Computational Drug Discovery and Design

(backadmin) #1
might result into slight differences between initial entries and
introduce a bias on the predictions. When a mutation is mod-
eled on top of an output A3D structure, the structures will
have the same starting background.

  1. After download, .pdb files can be opened with specific any
    software for 3D protein visualization, although we recommend
    the use of PyMOL.

  2. Despite the sequential plot and the score-table to gather a
    general idea of the protein aggregation propensity landscape,
    it has to be taken into account that propensities are not esti-
    mated based on the primary sequence. Moreover, for globular
    proteins most of the A3D detected APRs are built from amino
    acids occurring in sequentially distant regions of the protein.
    For this reason, A3D plots usually show profiles in which
    several aggregation prone regions seem to be isolated on the
    sequence, whereas in reality they are constituents of structural
    APRs (Fig.3a).

  3. RMSD values of the dynamic output should be taken with
    caution since they only account for one of the multiple struc-
    tures generated during backbone simulations. As a conse-
    quence, the relative distances displayed in the interface are
    not the average values for the protein, but serve as a frozen-
    picture of the most aggregation-prone conformation.


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Predicting the Aggregation of Protein Structures 441
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