General Aviation News - 21 June 2018

(Martin Jones) #1
24 General Aviation News — 800.426.8538 June 21, 2018


I came to know about a mystical place
called Orcas Island after I read a book
called “Immortal Self,” written by Master
Rishi Aaravindha Himadra.
I was deeply inspired by the spiri-
tual knowledge and real life experiences
shared by Aaravindha. When I found out
he lives in Orcas Island, Washington, I
thought it would be a great idea to fly to
the island and meet him in person.
My first mission was to be able to
fly by myself safely over the water and
know how to land at Orcas Island Airport
(KORS) in Washington state.
The runway at Orcas Island Airport is
just 2,900’ by 60’. The runway threshold
is very close to the ocean water front and
that makes landing very tricky. I decided
that I would fly first with an instructor,
Dick Weichmann, who had already flown
to Orcas Island and was familiar with the
area and the airport. This way, I could
learn from his expertise.
My anniversary was coming up, so I
thought what a beautiful day it would be
to fly to a mystical place and celebrate our
anniversary with my beautiful wife, Mari.
With much joy and enthusiasm, I began
to make all preparations for the trip, such
as keeping an eye out for a perfect day to
fly with high pressure, no precipitation, or
high cirrus clouds.
I filed the flight plan for flying at 6,500’
from Troutdale Airport (KTTD) in Port-
land, Oregon, to Orcas Island Airport. I
did my homework, calculating the perfor-
mance of the airplane, rate of climb, and
its best glide distance. This preparation
helped me select a safe altitude, safe navi-
gation route, and remain within gliding
distance of the land.
It is very important in flying — and in
life — to have a backup plan when you
plan to do something new or significant.
Put all your energy into it and learn as
much as possible beforehand. That way
you can conquer fear and succeed in your
goals and dreams.
When we were flying over the water
near Whidbey Island on the way to Orcas
Island, I was a little scared and my wife
told me that her hands were sweating. I
took some deep breaths and relaxed, and
said to myself, “Everything will be fine.”
During this time of fear, my flight train-
ing came in handy. In aviation they say,
“Aviate, Navigate and Communicate.” I
focused my attention on flying the plane
instead of concentrating on the fear of fly-
ing over the water.
This reminds me that in life when you
encounter fear, you must embrace it and
not run away from it. When you face your

fear, you expand, you grow, and you gain
more confidence from the experience.
You also learn different ways of accom-
plishing a task in a safe manner.
While coming in for landing at Orcas
Island on Runway 16, I was a little high,
so I did a side slip maneuver to lose alti-
tude and quickly descend to the runway
without increasing airspeed. I was so
proud of myself for landing safely at Or-
cas Island Airport.
Just as we parked the plane, we met an
extraordinary couple who had just landed
before us and we quickly became friends.
We went to Madrona Bar and Grill and
had a delicious lunch. The sky was blue,
the water was refreshing, and Orcas Is-
land was shining with its amazing beauty
and radiance.
After leaving Orcas Island, we did a
short stop over at Friday Harbor, Wash-
ington. It is a nice airport to land at and
we were able to spend some time enjoy-
ing the beauty of the island.
Towards the evening, we flew back to
Troutdale. On the way back, my flight in-
structor commented that I was maintain-
ing my heading and altitude better this
We covered a distance of more than 440
nautical miles from Troutdale to Orcas Is-
land and back to Troutdale. We clocked a
total flying time of 5 hours and 12 min-
utes, with a ground speed ranging from 60
knots to 125 knots per hour and climbing
to maximum altitude of 7,500’ MSL.
I am very happy that I learned how to

fly and land at Orcas Island and Friday
Harbor airport. Now, I feel confident that
I can fly the plane by myself to Orcas Is-
land or Friday Harbor.
Someday in the near future, I and my
wife will fly to San Juan Islands and meet
with the author of “Immortal Self,” Mas-
ter Rishi Aaravindha Himadra. And of
course, spend more time exploring the
beauty of the San Juan Islands — medi-
tate, play in the water, and have close en-
counters with magnificent Orca whales.

When I started doing my research about
the San Juan Islands, I learned that it is
also a place where Orca whales, and many
other families of whales, visit.
Orca whales are magnificent mammals.
Their songs awaken the deep creative
power residing within every human be-
ing. Whales have a very strong spiritual
connection with humanity and they are
the caretakers of ancient wisdom. They
also help us live a more magical and won-
drous life, as does flying.

My Story: Flying to a mystical place

The Orcas Island Airport runway.

Photos courtesy Vetrichelvan Jayaprakasan
Mari and Vetri at the Orcas Island Airport.

Vetrichelvan Jayaprakasan has been a pilot
since 2013. He belongs to flying club and
flies Cessna 150s and Cessna 172s.

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