28 General Aviation News — Buyer’s Guide Marketplace — 800.426.8538 June 21, 2018
Honest Vision: The Donald Douglas Story
“Honest Vision: The Donald Douglas Story” is now avail-
able from ASA.
The book features timeless leadership lessons from an
engineering mind and aviation icon, according to ASA of-
Written by Julie Boatman Filucci, author of “Together We
Fly: Voices From The DC-3,” the new book is an explora-
tion into the life of Donald Wills Douglas, founder of the
Douglas Aircraft Company.
Softcover is available for $19.95. eBook PD and eBook
EB are $14.95.
New Products
Starfighters expands access to F-104 flight training
Licensed pilots now have direct ac-
cess to F-104 flight training reservations
through an online reservation process.
This follows Starfighters Aerospace’s
recent authorization from the FAA that
opens the skies above NASA’s Kennedy
Space Center (KSC) in Florida for pilot
training in the supersonic aircraft.
An FAA Letter of Deviation Authority
(LODA) allows pilots to receive type-
specific training in the same jets used for
decades to prepare NASA astronauts for
spaceflight and to conduct aeronautical
research, company officials said.
Pilots receive pre-flight syllabus-based
training at Starfighters’ hangar at the for-
mer Space Shuttle runway, ending with
one or more checkout flights in the re-
stricted airspace above the spaceport. The
price for training with a single checkout
flight is $17,900.
Paper or plastic? New kneeboards offer pilots a choice
Sporty’s has introduced two new knee-
boards in its Flight Gear line. Both can be
used with paper charts or an iPad.
The Flight Gear Bi-Fold Kneeboard
provides a solid writing surface and space
for commonly used items, like check-
lists, nav logs, and sectional charts with a
smaller footprint than many kneeboards,
according to Sporty’s officials.
Elastic straps are attached at the corners
and are spaced for holding an iPad mini.
The kneeboard’s clipboard is printed with
quick reference placard information in-
cluding basic VFR weather minimums,
mandatory IFR reports, airport traffic light
signals, as well as other basic information
needed during flight. The clipboard is re-
versible so the kneeboard can be oriented
in either direction on either leg.
Sporty’s Flight Gear Tri-Fold Knee-
board will keep charts, timers, notes, cal-
culators, and cables organized with a spot
for everything, Sporty’s officials note.
The solid clipboard can be used for
copying clearances or managing a sec-
tional chart, plus it doubles as a quick ref-
erence tool, Sporty’s officials said.
Elastic straps are attached at the corners
and are spaced for holding a 9.7” iPad Air
or Pro.
Sporty’s Flight Gear HP Bi-Fold Knee-
board is available for $24.95. The Tri-
Fold Kneeboard is available for $29.95.
Free version of Wx24 Pilot Aviation Weather App released
The Wx24 Pilot Aviation Weather App
is now available in a free version.
No strings attached, no popup ads,
just a presentation of aviation weather
that gives pilots a quick and easy read of
conditions and forecasts, in addition to
providing weather reports for even the
smallest of US airports, according to de-
The Wx24 Pilot app pulls together nu-
merous aviation weather reports and pres-
ents them in a simple visual format.
This presentation of aviation weather
allows pilots to quickly assess weather
conditions to improve situational aware-
ness and safety of the flight, company of-
ficials note.
CAF Red Tail Squadron has new Top Flight Club Membership
The Commemorative Air Force (CAF)
Red Tail Squadron, America’s tribute to
the Tuskegee Airmen, has launched a new
Top Flight Club membership for those
interested in supporting the legacy of the
Tuskegee Airmen.
Club members will have the exclusive
opportunity to provide their feedback on
the allocation of the funds raised through
membership to support the CAF Red Tail
Squadron’s educational outreach efforts,
as well as an annual report detailing their
membership dues at work.
In addition, members will receive a
special member-only Top Flight Club hat
and annual pin, and will collect a different
pin each year upon renewal.
CAF Red Tail Squadron Top Flight
Club members will receive a VIP card
that will earn them a 10% discount on
merchandise in the CAF Red Tail Squad-
ron webstore and when they visit the
RISE ABOVE Traveling Exhibit at one of
the Squadron’s events around the country
during their annual tour.
To join, fill out the Top Flight Club
membership application at RedTail.org.
Send press releases to: [email protected].