
(ff) #1

brisk to say the least. With three
occupants and just over half fuel
load, we accelerated so fast that I
thought we had full power applied
but instead when I queried Richard
as to what the best climb power was,
he stated that I was already at it: 90%
torque and 2000 rpm!
Blush! I had accidentally done a
de-rated take off like in large airliners
today. I had advanced the power
smoothly and progressively with the
slight crosswind.
With just this light crosswinds
from the right and temperature ISA
+1 2o, the performance was still such
that we were airborne in just under
1500 feet from commencing our
take-off roll on Bankstown Airport’s
runway 29R.

An easy approach

With our airways clearance, we
climbed to 3000 feet and tracked

northwest towards Richmond.
After a bit of delaying radar-
vectoring by Richmond Approach
to allow for departures, we were
vectored for an intercept of the
localiser for runway 28.
With Garmin’s GFC700
Automatic Flight Control system
with yaw damper making easy
work of the flying, the intercept was
efficiently flown.
With the gear selected down and
the first stage of flap, the ILS was
flown at 110 KIAS with only small
adjustments of power required to
hold the speed.
At the minima, ATC had advised
us to make a missed approach,
turn left 200 degrees and climb to
2500 feet. This was preselected on
the G1000 and after pressing the
Go-round button on the side of
the left thrust lever, the autopilot
disconnected (strewth, I had to fly
the plane myself again!), the flight


Length 8.56 m
Height 2.49 m
Wingspan 13 .55 m
Empty Weight 1410 kg
MTOW 19 99 kg
Payload 59 0 kg
Fuel Capacity standard/long range 18 9/289 l

Specifications Diamond DA42-VI


January - February 2015 AUSTRALIAN FLYING


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Max Cruise Speed (16,000’ MCP) 197 KTAS
Cruise Speed at 75% (16,000’) 176 KTAS
Rate of Climb (ISA SL) 1760kg TOW 1550 fpm
Rate of Climb (18,000’) 10 00 fpm
Single Engine Service Ceiling 18 ,000 ft
Range @ 60%, standard/long range 79 5 nm / 1215 nm
Take off ground roll (ISA SL) 1760 kg 28 0 m/919 ft
Landing ground Roll (ISA SL) 34 0 m/ 1115 ft
Max Altitude 18 ,000 ft


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