
(ff) #1
director bars indicated a climb away
and then a turn onto the required
heading once we had selected
heading mode.
I could have re-engaged the
autopilot again but chose to hand fly
it to the training area.
Cruising at 2500 feet en route, the
fuel flow indicated close to 5.0 US

gph on each engine with around 60%
power set for a comfortable cruise
speed close to 170 KTAS.
The AE300 engines produce
their sea level power all the way
up to around 12,000 feet. This
is achieved by way of both the
FADEC and the engines being
equipped with both a turbo-

charger and intercooler.
After entering the training area
and climbing further to 3500 feet,
I decided to examine the single-
engine performance of this new
model to see where the propeller
and aerodynamics had improved the
asymmetric capabilities.
By bringing the left thrust

lever back to idle (the left engine
is the critical engine) and
stabilised, I verified the correct
switch and turned the L ENGINE
The engine auto-feathered, and
with the climb speed stabilised at 95
KIAS with maximum continuous
power on the right engine, we
maintained a 6-700 fpm rate of
climb. That was at 3500 feet,
I S A+1 3o and with three occupants
and half fuel onboard.
This represented a significant
improvement over the previous
model showing an increase of
probably close to 200 fpm.
Restarting the engine was a
simple matter of leveling the aircraft
and allowing the speed to build up
to around 120 KIAS and selecting
ON. The propeller immediately
started to unfeather and rotate
until the engine fired, and with all
temperatures and pressures back in
the green, I reapplied power.
After holding for a short time

46 Flight Test

AUSTRALIAN FLYING January - February 2015

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