Flight International - August 18, 2015

(Marcin) #1


ightglobal.com 18-31 August 2015 | Flight International | 23

Legacy 450 gets
certification nod


rolific aircraft designer Burt
Rutan has emerged from a
brief retirement to unveil a new
seaplane design he claims can
seat two people, fly up to
2,100nm (3,890km) non-stop,
survive a 10g impact on rolling
seas and fit inside the one-car ga-
rage of his lakeside home.
Any other designer might invite
scepticism with such claims, but
Rutan has a reputation for defying
limits. His notable firsts include
the non-stop, round-the-world
flight of Voyager, the first private
suborbital flight of SpaceShipOne,
endurance record-setter Global-
Flyer and 43 other novel designs.

Indeed, Rutan credits his own
record for driving him to make a
new seaplane – named the
SkiGull – that exceeds the range
and efficiency of most land air-
craft, but which is flexible enough
to operate from water or land.
“I did Boomerang and Voyager.
Why would I not do something
for a seaplane that was just a little
better?” Rutan said at the Experi-
mental Aircraft Association’s Air-
Venture fly-in in Oshkosh, Wis-
consin, in late July.
The design of the SkiGull
began with Rutan listing all of the
annoyances about seaplanes that
he wanted to overcome.

Some were as simple as install-
ing shock absorbers. Noting that
most seaplanes land on rougher
surfaces, Rutan says incredulous-
ly: “Why have people not put
shock absorbers on a seaplane?
They’re the guys that need it!”
For enough range to fly non-
stop from San Francisco to Hono-
lulu, Hawaii, Rutan designed the
SkiGull with a 14.3m (47ft), strut-
braced wing and what he calls the
world’s most efficient aircraft en-
gine: a Rotax 912iS.

Another Rutan irritation with
seaplanes is the lack of power,
with an engine-out on take-off es-
pecially risky if it is necessary to
clear trees on the shore. So he is
installing an auxiliary electric
power system that can provide an
extra 30% thrust on take-off.
But Rutan emphasises that he
has not yet flown the SkiGull. An
attempt to assemble the aircraft
ended three weeks before the Air-
Venture event, when he realised
the skis needed redesigning. ■


Burt Rutan floats

seaplane concept

Legendary aerospace designer emerges from retirement to
unveil the SkiGull – his vision for a new amphibious aircraft

Design features include
shock absorbers and a
strut-braced wing
Phil Weston/EAA

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