Flight International - August 18, 2015

(Marcin) #1



24 | Flight International | 18-31 August 2015 flightglobal.com


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Sometimes the show, as they say, simply must go on.
This is not a great year to hold a business jet
exhibition in São Paulo, with the Brazilian economy in
a politically-induced crisis. A market that once reliably
grew at rates above 6% annually cooled last year to
3%, and may struggle to stay in positive territory in

  1. But a visibly reduced crowd came to the Latin
    American Business Aviation Convention and
    Exhibition (LABACE) anyway, perhaps seeking an
    opportunity to be ready when the market eventually
    rebounds. Report by Stephen Trimble


n ATR 72-500 turboprop
made arguably the most un-
likely debut among the business
jets at LABACE, with the VIP-
roled model intended to spot-
light an aspiring new charter
company and regional airline.
Rio de Janeiro-based Star Con-
sultoria Aeronautica –  ATR’s
sales agent in Brazil –  plans to
launch a start-up regional carrier
called Flyways Linhas Aereas,
initially operating routes from
the city’s two airports to Brasilia
and Minas Gerais.
The carrier could be activated
within weeks, says Pedro Paulo

Valverde Pedrosa Junior, a direc-
tor at Star. By the end of 2016,
Flyways hopes to operate up to
10 used ATR 72-500s or -600s
covering an expanding regional
The ATR 72-500 on show can
be configured with 48 or 72
seats for charter, and since the
launch of the operation earlier
this year has flown several of
Brazil’s biggest football teams
and rock bands.
“Other companies in Brazil
are so big,” Pedrosa Junior says.
“They can’t offer something dif-
ferent to the client.” ■


Regional ATR carrier has

ambitious plans to grow


Legacy 450 gets

certification nod

Approval marks last service entry from Embraer’s business
jet push, as weak economic conditions hinder sales efforts


razil’s civil aeronautics au-
thority (ANAC) on 11 August
announced the approval of type
certification for the Legacy 450,
ushering into service the seventh
and last jet in a market-bending,
15-year-long Embraer quest to be-
come a powerhouse in the busi-
ness aviation market.
The Legacy 450 follows by one
year the introduction of its slightly
larger and longer-range sibling,
the Legacy 500, as well as the Lin-
eage 1000, Legacy 650 and 600
and the Phenom 300 and 100 jets.
From having no position in
the business aviation market 15
years ago, Embraer now occu-
pies seven of eight major market
segments, ranging from the en-
try-level Phenom 100 to the air-
liner-derived Lineage.
The Legacy 450 fills a critical
gap that bridges the size normally
found in the super-light category
and performance usually associ-
ated with midsize jets. It will
compete against the Cessna Cita-
tion Latitude, which achieved
certification from the US Federal
Aviation Administration two
months ago.
The type certificate for the Leg-
acy 450 was granted after ANAC
verified 1,600 requirements in
ground and flight tests. Embraer’s
newest jet also benefited from the
previous type approval for the

Legacy 500, which verified 7,500
test points, Dino Ishikura, head of
ANAC’s airworthiness depart-
ment, said at the show.
The Legacy 450 and Legacy
500 have both entered the pro-
duction phase amidst a global
softening of sales in the midsize
segment. Embraer’s timing also
coincides with an unfolding eco-
nomic crisis in Brazil, where both
types are expected to compete
especially well against rivals.

In late July, Embraer announced
only five Legacy 500s had been de-
livered in the first half of 2015. The
company had planned to ramp up
slowly to incorporate reliability
improvements, but the market’s
softness also has limited sales.
“2015 was not as good a year
as we thought,” Embraer execu-
tive jets president and chief exec-
utive Marco Tulio Pellegrini tells
Flight International.
But Embraer expects a “hot sec-
ond semester” for aircraft deliver-
ies, Pelligrini adds, and much bet-
ter conditions in 2016.
Embraer plans to obtain type
certificates for the Legacy 450 from
the US Federal Aviation Adminis-
tration and the European Aviation
Safety Agency within a few weeks,
followed by a first customer deliv-
ery during the fourth quarter. ■

Deliveries of the Legacy 450 will start later this year

Stephen Trimble/Flightglobal

Stephen Trimble/Flightglobal


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