The Times - UK (2022-05-28)

(Antfer) #1

the times | Saturday May 28 2022 87


Which country is bordered by 13
US states?

Which religious leader told the
parable of the lost coin and the
parable of the lost sheep?

Which gland produces the
hormones triiodothyronine
and thyroxine?

The digital radio service Victory
Online serves which city in

In Italian, a “ponte ferroviario” is a
bridge that carries which mode of

A museum dedicated to which
Dutch post-impressionist painter
opened in Amsterdam in 1973?

The Peruvian dish, aji de gallina,
features which meat in a spicy,
creamy sauce?

The Bromley Contingent were a
group of followers of which punk
rock band?

The teachings of the Peripatetic
school are derived from which
4th-century BC Greek philosopher?

Who was king when the Acts of
Union 1800 united the kingdoms
of Great Britain and Ireland?

Which Channel 4 sitcom centred
on the relationship between
Sharon Morris and Rob Norris?

Which English comedian made
his cinema debut as a stock room
assistant in Trouble in Store (1953)?

In 2013, Billy Markus and
Jackson Palmer created which
cryptocurrency as a joke?

football stadium?

The pictured monument in
Newcastle upon Tyne is
dedicated to which prime minister?

In 1983, who became Argentina’s
first democratically elected
president after seven years of
military rule?

Which New Zealand cultural
festival has a Maori name that
means “the many faces”?

Which 2001 opera by Richard
Mills is named after a ship of the
Dutch East India Company?

Which travel author wrote The
Sex Lives of Cannibals: Adrift in
the Equatorial Pacific (2004)?

From 1991 to 1998, Dutch fast
bowler Andre van Troost played
for which county cricket club?

The Stretford End, aka the
West Stand, is part of which


The Times Saturday Quiz Olav Bjortomt


O Tempora! Crossword CCCXLVII by Lanifica

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9













A weekly crossword for the classically minded

Last week’s O Tempora! solution
63(6 6(3(/ , 7(
( $ 8 6 $ (
352&8%8, 9,&,
( ( 7 , 7
$*(5 3(7(1'$0
, 5 $ ,
8723,$ &/$',6
( ( 8 /
$'25$7 , 6 92/2
, 5 ( ( $
$&, ( 5(326 , 7$
7 ; ( , 7 8
'8%,7$9, $50$

12 3 4 5 67

8 9

10 11 12

13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20

21 22 23

24 25

Clues, which may
be straight or
mildly cryptic,
always lead to
answers in Latin

1 We’re following, chasing and
coming after (8)
6 Auxilior, subvenio (4)
8 In the way of our forebears, ____
maiorum (4)
9 To an artist, for a master maker (8)
10 Roman Nike: inter utrumque volat
dubiis ____ pennis, Ovid Met 8.13 (8)
12 With laughter, eg paene ille timore,
ego ____ corrui, Cicero ad. Q. Fr. 2.9
13 You rattle, creak and jangle (on
your ownsome) (6)
15 They’re coming in and beginning
17 By the sea (4)
19 I hide, I squirrel away (8)
21 West, western; ____ terra = Italia (8)
23 To swim (with a nostril) (4)
24 His ‘n’ hers (4)
25 It’s enough for me, ____ ____ mihi

2 I’m dying off and perishing (dep.)
3 They’re damp and wet, eg stagnata
paludibus ____, Ovid Met. 15.269 (5)
4 My stuff with milady (3)
5 Fighting fisherman, net-wielding
conbatant (9)
6 To bring in; signa ____ in hostem, to
attack (7)
7 A terrace, street, village or hamlet
11 You (s.) restore and repair (perhaps
with a good meal) (9)
14 Randy gardening god (7)
16 Of vapour or steam, vide eg DRN
6.987, ____ odores (7)
18 Of vinegar, or (metaphorically) wit,
vide eg Plaut. Ps. 739, ecquid is
homo habet ____ in pectore? (5)
20 The whole damned lot of us, nos
____ (5)
22 Dicit, loquitur, non negat (3)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


10 11



14 15 16 17

18 19 20

21 22 23


25 26

27 28


1 Soft skin binding books (6)
4 Old boy, like boor in back street,
pushes in (8)
10 Craftsmen increasingly important
in small spaces (9)
11 Chance intrepid leader’s missing
12 Gaining ground she put husband
in losing position (7,3,4)
14 Person hauling loom (5)
16 Comic character, one of five
joining race around lake (9)
18 Willing tip to bring sporting
advantage (4,5)
20 Beg last of Oxford dons to shut up
21 Has complete understanding, with
hindsight? (5,9)
25 Scorer’s very “detailed” attack (5)
26 Hoodwink impressionable
candidate (9)

62)73('$/ /,783
2 , $ - $ < 8 8
5$5(5 $/7(5(*26
( ( ). , , 6
5 , 5 + $ ( )
&+$67 , 7< &/27+2
( & $ : 7 2
/,.,1* =,33,(67
( ( $ $ 5 5 5
%251 , 17+(3853/(
5 9 5 / 6 5 9
$721(7,0( 6((72
1 % 6 $ 6 , 6.
7:, ;7 /26(&$67(


27 Proud, contrary attempt to break
rank (8)
28 Crooked old partner has
absconded to the borders (6)


1 Female crew put in fashion goods
for transport (10)
2 Troubling care reports not opened
by bishop on time (5)
3 Portable heater in warm country
briefly turned on (7)
5 Artist taken in by Garbo’s charms
6 Engineers on circuit secure
drained sink again (7)
7 Dog chewed up dad’s unopened
lunch, swallowing hard (9)
8 Fabulous river bears you might
catch (4)
9 Chinese art best unframed if hung
freely (4,4)
13 Variant non-U creeds not officially
restricted (10)
15 More prudent coastal state
trapped wolf (9)
17 Taciturn stoic regularly going in
late (8)
19 Sunshade under pressure popping
20 Striking means of locating milk
supplier? (7)
22 Sometimes streaky British
painter? (5)
23 Revived you with kiss after wine
24 After Berliner’s agreement, go to
French island (4)

Times Crossword No 28,302

A £20 Waterstones gift voucher will be awarded to the senders of the first five correct solutions
opened on Thursday. Enter by post to: Times Crossword No 28,302, PO Box 2164, Colchester, Essex
CO2 8LJ, or by email to: [email protected], with “Crossword 28302” in the subject line. Open
to 18+, UK & ROI residents only. Winners and solutions will appear on Monday week.



Times Crossword No 28,302

Place the numbers 1 to 9 in the spaces so
that the number in each circle is equal to
the sum of the four surrounding spaces,
and each colour total is correct.
Solution MindGames in Saturday Review

Suko No 3501

Quiz answers 1 Canada. 2 Jesus
Christ. 3 Thyroid gland.
4 Portsmouth. 5 Railway.
6 Vincent van Gogh. 7 Chicken.
8 Sex Pistols. 9 Aristotle. 10 George
III. 11 Catastrophe. 12 Norman
Wisdom. 13 Dogecoin. 14 Raúl
Alfonsín. 15 Te Matatini. 16 Batavia.
17 J Maarten Troost. 18 Somerset.
19 Old Trafford. 20 Earl Grey or
Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey

Concise Quintagram answers
1 White 2 Banks 3 Darwin 4 Wallace
5 Naturally.
Free download pdf