Radio Control Jet International - April-May 2018

(Tuis.) #1
The brakes are therefore vitally important to
reduce the length of the landing run and also
to increase safety in the event of an aborted
take off, or one where the model veers off the
intended path.
Until now, brakes could only be used in paral-
lel, with both braking equally, however thanks
to the software of the GS-200 we can use

them in different ways, for example mixing
them with the steering by activating a stee-
ring mix. This allows us to steer by braking
one or other wheel, just as full size aircraft
do; obviously we can vary the degree of this
mixing from the display, adjusting it as requi-
red for the model. Another useful function
now available through this unit is the ability to

GS 200 Electron

This connector bank accepts the gear, brake and steering inputs from the Rx, and has the outputs for the steering and up to 8 doors

The GS-200 connections for the retract and brake plugs are servo style, with the battery socket being of Multiplex type.

higher landing speeds of some models, and
because of the residual thrust of the turbine.
In fact, contrary to the situation with a propel-
ler, where if it is rotating below a certain rpm
it does not produce thrust but instead beco-
mes an aerodynamic brake, the turbine pro-
duces some thrust even at idle, and this con-
tributes to extending the landing run.

GS 200_Layout 1 08/03/18 10.54 Pagina 3

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