Radio Control Jet International - April-May 2018

(Tuis.) #1

Digitech AT WIZARD


The AT Wizard is a very neat and compact unit, with just a single lead for
connection to a receiver and/or battery.

The supplied clamp mount comes complete with servo
pad to give a secure attachment for the AT Wizard.

The aileron with AT Wizard attached has been set to
the neutral position, with the system then zeroed.

Once attached to the mount it was a simple job to secu-
re the AT Wizard to the control surface trailing edge.

Since the very dawn of radio control the setting of the amount of
control surface movement has been vitally important, never more
so than with our modern and often very high performance jets.
Too little movement can result in disaster, particularly in pitch,
where an attempt at a low level loop may end with the model
impacting the ground if elevator movement is less than specified,
or have the model failing to flare fully when landing, potentially
resulting in undercarriage or airframe damage. Conversely,
excess movement can easily result in high speed stalls if too
much elevator movement is being used, whilst the model can roll
violently if too much aileron movement is set.
Although some instruction manuals detail control movements in
mm or inches, with these being relatively easy to measure, many
manuals show degrees of travel, which are much more difficult. In
both cases trying to measure accurately means holding a ruler or
protractor in an exact position as the control surface is moved to
full travel, not something that is particularly easy, especially if a
second pair of hands are not available.
Digitech, based in the Netherlands, has come up with a solution
to this problem, with their AT Wizard, a very compact electronic
device that is designed to be attached to the individual control
surfaces and provide exact angle and mm amount movements
using Bluetooth communication via an app on a Smartphone.

Angle and throw meter

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