Radio Control Jet International - April-May 2018

(Tuis.) #1
Kindly supplied for the review by Paul Gosling at Nexus Modelling
Supplies (the UK dealer), the AT Wizard itself is a mere 30 x 20 x
7.5mm in size and has only a single lead connection, which is
intended to be plugged into a receiver or to have a battery direc-
tly connected. Also available is an optional and very neat clamp
mount that comes with a servo tape pad to allow the AT Wizard to
be simply secured in place.
Both IOS and Android apps are available, and it proved both
quick and simple to download and install the app on my Android
phone. The AT Wizard was powered up via a receiver, using a
standard 6.0 volt receiver battery, and opening the app resulted in
immediate linkage to the phone, with the measurement display
opening. The AT Wizard, now secured to the clamp mount, was
attached to the trailing edge of the aileron of my Avanti XS, at
which point it was possible to align the aileron at neutral, and set
the app to zero, after which any movement of the aileron showed
up on the measurement display in degrees of movement only. To
obtain mm information it was necessary to measure the chord of
the aileron at the point the AT Wizard was positioned and enter

this on the measurement display – as soon as this was done the
exact amount of movement at the trailing edge was shown on the
measurement display.
The system proved to work perfectly and makes accurate measu-
ring extremely simple – it is very simple to slip the neat mount
onto the trailing edge of the various control surfaces, then use the
measurement display to get the precise movement figure, adju-
sting the final amount by moving the pushrod to a different hole in
the control or servo arm, or fine tuning with travel adjustment via
the radio being used.
Overall the AT Wizard is a great little device that will see regular
use in my workshop in the future. Since this review was written a
new Gen2 version with screen has also been added to the range,
for those that want an all in one solution.


With the aileron fully deflected down the travel in both
mm and angle can easily be read off the phone screen.

Note that when the aileron is deflected up the angle now is displayed with a positi-
ve figure, as opposed to the negative figure when the aileron is deflected down.


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