Radio Control Jet International - April-May 2018

(Tuis.) #1
strong enough to support the vertical section – this gave a positive
result for both. I made a small hole for the toothpick to be glued into,
to check the result of a component being glued though another part.
Then I did a drop testto see how the glues settled on the Lexan plate
after mixing: as can be seen in photos 6 - 7, 3425’s drop has spread
a little more than the 9462 one; based on this it appears that 9462 is
a bit more thixotropic (thick) than 3425, but I think this result may also
be affected by gravity, as 3425’s specific weight is slightly higher than
9462 (9462’s hardener is slightly lighter).

Glued parts comparison
Once both glues had fully cured, I was able to look at the differences
between the two sets of test parts; in photos 8 and 9 we can easily
make this comparison. Please note how the drop of 3425 on the too-
thpick has slid down somewhat more than the 9462 one (for gravity
reasons as mentioned above), whilst the toothpick break test (photo
10) gave identical results.

Horizontal bond test(photo 11)
Bond tests were carried out 28 hours after glue mixing. I was unable
to break the bonds using hands alone, so had to use pliers. Holding
the parts securely with the pliers the horizontal section was broken off
with the following results;

  • On the 9462 sample the glue in the bond area broke cleanly with
    very little wood coming away with it.

  • On the 3425 sample I was close to breaking the parts, but in the
    end the glue in the bond area broke together with one of the wood
    In both cases I had to apply a great deal of force to separate the parts,
    but the 3425 bond seemed stronger.









Colle Hysol.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/18 11.09 Pagina 3

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