Scramble Magazine – May 2018

(Wang) #1






Scramble 468

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Koninklijke Luchtmacht (AF)

J-011 322sq ex 312 sq 6D-167 apr18


Ethniki Froura, Diikissi Aeroporias (AF)

A number of Cyprus National Guard – Air Wing Mi-35P assault

helicopters are undergoing maintenance at the 419th ARZ,

which is located in St. Petersburg, Russia. Two of them (819

and 820, which have construction numbers 054370 and 054371

respectively) were seen earlier in March. Cyprus received

twelve Mi-35P helicopters under a controversial deal with

Russia from late 2001 onwards. They are operated by 450

ME/P (Mira Elikopteron = Helicopter Squadron) from Paphos

Air Base.


The French are ordering three Falcon Epicure aircraft. This

yet to be developed three-engine Falcon business jet will get


CUGE (Capacité Universelle de Guerre Électronique) system.

These electronic warfare Falcons will replace the two C-160

Gabriel aircraft. Deliveries are not expected before 2025.

The Air Force is expected to receive one new Rafale B in 2018

(serial 357). No aircraft are expected in the next three years.

The 28 aircraft still on order will be delivered from 2022

onwards. This will bring the total of Rafales (air force and

navy) to 171. The French are planning to buy Tranche Five (F5

standard) aircraft in 2023, with a delivery in 2030. That would

bring the grand total of Rafales to 225 aircraft.

The order for twelve A340MRTTs has been increased to

fifteen aircraft.

As mentioned before, 2018 will see, after 30 years, the end

of service of the Mirage 2000N. EC02.004 La Fayette made a

farewell tour along several French airfields in late April and

all aircraft should be retired by September.

Armée de l’Air (AF)

LFOC = Châteaudun
LFSX = Luxeuil – Saint Sauveur
1808 Airbus on order 1808 dec17
0073/F-RBAN ET01.061 ex Airbus 073 mar18

The next one will be 0089/F-RBAO and is expected to be

delivered in 2019.

Alpha Jet E
E11/8-UB EE03.008 ex 705-UB mar18
E13/8-MM std LFOC ex EE03.008 mar18
E25/8-TJ EE03.008 ex 705-TJ mar18
E30/MD std LFOC ex EAC00.314 mar18
E48/8-MH EE03.008 ex 705-MH feb18
E58/TK std LFOC ex EAC00.314 mar18
E66/8-ME pres LFOC ex std LFOC mar18
E72/LA std LFOC ex EAC00.314 mar18
E75/8-AE EE03.008 ex std LFOC feb18
E82/8-LW ETO01.008 ex 120-LW feb18
E87/F-TELC EPAA20.300 ex 705-LC mar18
E88 std LFOC ex EPAA20.300 mar18
E93/8-TX ETO01.008 ex 120-TX feb18
E95/7 std LFOC ex EPAA20.300 mar18
E98/F-TEMF EPAA20.300 ex 705-MF mar18
E99/120-AH std LFOC ex EE02.002 mar18
E102/120-LM std LFOC ex ETO01.008 mar18
E106 std LFOC LFOC museum spares mar18
E109/8-AG ETO01.008 ex 120-AG feb18
E110/AH std LFOC ex EAC00.314 mar18
E124/8-RN ETO01.008 ex 120-RN feb18
E136/8-RP std LFOC ex ETO01.008 mar18
E141/8-NF EE03.008 ex 705-NF feb18
E156/30-TI std LFOC ex ECE01.030 mar18
E157/8-UC ETO01.008 ex 120-UC feb18
E160/8-UH ETO01.008 ex 120-UH feb18
E165/8-RE std LFOC ex EE03.008 mar18
E168/8-FP EE03.008 ex 102-FP feb18
E169/8-HRX std LFOC ex 30-RX mar18
E176/120-MB std LFOC ex ETO01.008 mar18

Military News & Updates

German Air Force transporters are quite rare at Schiphol, Ben Uffen encountered LTG62 operated A400M 54+12 on 23 March 2018. The route of

the day was from Wunstorf to Cologne-Bonn via Schiphol-East.
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