Aviation Business – October 2018

(Tuis.) #1


http://www.aviationbusinessme.com October 2018 · AV I A T I O N B U S I N E S S 39


SA National, a joint venture
formed between RSA Global
and National Air Cargo, has
launched a new air cargo
terminal at Dubai World Central. The
13,000 sqm facility is the first phase
of a long-term project, which will
eventually see the addition of new
facilities encompassing the total
plot of 56,000 sqm.
Attending the launch
ceremony, which was
held at the new cargo
terminal, was His
Highness Sheikh
Ahmed bin Saeed Al
Maktoum, Chairman
of Dubai Airports;
President of the
Dubai Civil Aviation
Authority; Chairman and
CEO of Emirates Group, and Paul
Griffiths, CEO, Dubai Airports.
“Today we are delighted to celebrate
the inauguration of RSA National’s air
cargo terminal at DWC. The RSA National
air cargo terminal is an impressive and
welcomed development and supports
Dubai’s eff or ts to rema i n at t he foref ront
of aviation and logistics globally,” com-
mented His Excellency Sheikh Ahmed
bin Saeed Al Maktoum, President of the
Dubai Civil Aviation Authority.
The new multimodal smart transit hub
will play a critical role in the country’s
drive to become a prominent player within
the global aviation and logistics market.
Supporting cargo transport for road, sea

We have designed

this smart facility to

deliver innovative

multimodal, tech-for-

ward supply chain

solutions and plan to

expand as the re-

gion’s demands grow.

The sky’s the limit.”
Abhishek Ajay Shah

and air operations, the facility is expected
to contribute to the growth of the UAE’s
logistics sector, which is forecasted to grow
by 4.8% by 2021, according to the Dubai
Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
“RSA Global is a home-grown brand and
we have been i nspi red by t he UA E leader-
ship’s vision to build the aviation capital
of the world. We believe the launch of RSA
National’s fl agship air cargo ter-
minal is a game changer for
the UAE’s aviation and lo-
gistics industry to claim
the number one spot.
We have designed t h is
smart facility to deliver
innovative multimod-
al, tech-forward supply
chain solutions and plan
to expand as the region’s
demands grow. The sky’s the
limit,” said Abhishek Ajay Shah,
co-founder and group CEO of RSA Global.
Adding his own viewpoint, Paul
Griffi ths, CEO Dubai Airports shared:
“We have witnessed impressive freight
growth at DWC since it fi rst opened in

  1. The airport has quickly ascended the
    global rankings for international freight
    volumes and is now ranked in the top 20.
    “We have achieved this by develop-
    ing and implementing leading-edge
    customer-centric processes, technology
    and infrastructure. RSA National’s in-
    novative and tech-forward mindset is
    fully aligned with this approach and
    we are honoured to celebrate this great
    achievement with them today.”

A number of VIPs attended the launch event including HH Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum.


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