Aviation Business – October 2018

(Tuis.) #1


40 October 2018 · AV I A T I O N B U S I N E S S http://www.aviationbusinessme.com

Sheikh Zayed Photo Exhibition held at

Abu Dhabi International Airport

Presented in close collaboration with the
National Archive, Abu Dhabi Airports and
Department of Abu Dhabi Customs are
hosting a mobile photo exhibition of the
late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan
at Abu Dhabi International Airport.
Accessible in the landside area of
Terminal 1 from the 6 – 11 September 2018,
the photo exhibition was one of the many
socia l i n it iat ives i nt roduced as pa r t of A bu
Dhabi Airports’ Year of Zayed programme.
“ T hrough t his mobile ex hibit ion at A bu
Dhabi International Airport, we seek to
honour the vision and legacy of the late
Sheikh Zayed by showcasing his life, the
impact he has had on the UAE as a whole,
and in the aviation industry in particular,”
said Mohammed Al Katheeri, SVP Strategy
& Communications at Abu Dhabi Airports.
“Sheikh Zayed laid the foundations of the

seven emirates with a focus on innovation
and development. He foresaw Abu Dhabi
having the world-class aviation infrastruc-
ture that it does today.”
A s pa r t of it s Yea r of Z ayed prog ra m me,
the airport has launched several initia-
tives to honour the legacy of the late
Sheikh Zayed. T his included the unveil-
ing of a commemorative immigration
stamp at Abu Dhabi International Airport,
which was done in close collaboration
with Airport Immigration.
Also launched this past year was the
Meir Al Khair campaign, which collected
donations from Abu Dhabi Airports’ em-
ployees that were then used to purchase
needed households goods for less fortunate
families in the UAE in the lead up to the
holy month of Ramadan.
At the airport itself, the Year of Zayed
logo was added to the Air Traffi c Control

The photo exhibition was organised by the Department of Abu Dhabi Customs
and the National Archive

c The Sheikh Zayed photo exhibition was present a the landside area of Terminal 1 from 6 - 11 September 2018.

Towers, while in a separate initiative, Flight
of the Children of Zayed, saw the organisa-
tion of a trip for 31 orphans to visit Sir Bani
Yas Island. The latter was conducted in
partnership with Emirates Red Crescent.
“The late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al
Nahyan was a visionary and welcoming
leader. He encouraged the continuous
pursuit of excellence, travelled the world
extensively, and established the policy
of welcoming international guests to the
UAE,” said Fahed Ghareeb Abdulla Hamad
Al Shamsi, acting executive director of
Administration at the Department of Abu
Dhabi Customs.
“It is in celebration of his legacy that
we worked to organize this mobile photo
exhibition of his life and achievements, and
we hop e to i nspi re v isitors f rom a rou nd t he
world to refl ect on Sheikh Zayed’s values
and principals.”

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