Topology in Molecular Biology

(ff) #1

198 D.V. Millionschikov

define a new smoothq-formΨ ̃tonMnsuch thatΨ ̃tcoincides withΨtin some
W ̃⊂WandΨ ̃t≡0 outside ofW.Theq-formΨ ̃tis called a quasi-mode:

HtΨ ̃t=t



(1 + 2Ni+λili)+








Ψ ̃t,t→+∞. (11.16)

The numberst


(1 + 2Ni+λili) are calledasymptotic eigenvaluesand their

minimal valueEas 0 approximates the minimal eigenvalue ofHtast→+∞.
In order to findEas 0 , we must setNi= 0 for alli. The sum






(1 +li).

is non-negative and it is equal to zero if and only if

l 1 =···=lq=1,lq+1=···=ln=− 1.

This means thatHthas precisely one zero asymptotic eigenvalue for each
critical point of indexq. Hence we have preciselymq(f) asymptotic zero eigen-
values (forq-forms). Vanishing of the first term of the asymptotical expansion
(11.16) for a minimal eigenvalue ofHtis only a necessary condition to have
zero energy level; hence the numberbq(Mn) of zero eigenvalues does not exceed
the number of zero asymptotic eigenvalues. In other words we have established
the Morse inequalities
It was Pajitnov who remarked that it is possible to apply Witten’s ap-
proach to the Morse–Novikov theory [4]. Letωbe a closed 1-form onMn
andta real parameter. As in the construction earlier one can define a new
deformed differential dtωinΛ∗(M)

dtω=d+tω∧, dtω(ξ)=da+tω∧ξ.

If the 1-formωis not exact, the cohomologyHtω∗(M,R) of the de Rham com-
plex with the deformed differential dtωgenerally speaking is not isomorphic
to the standard oneH∗(M,R). ButHtω∗(M,R) depends only on the cohomol-
ogy class ofω: for any pairω, ω′of 1-forms such thatω−ω′=dφ, where
φis a smooth function onMn; the cohomologyHtω∗(M,R)andH∗tω′(M,R)
is isomorphic to each other. This isomorphism can be given by the gauge


It is convenient also to consider a complex parameterλinstead oft.Itwas
remarked in [3, 4] that the cohomologyHλω∗(M,C)ofΛ∗(M) with respect
to the deformed differentialdλωcoincides with the cohomologyHρ∗λω(M,C)

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