s I write this month’s
news I am still a
little jetlagged from
my trip to this year’s IPMS
US Nationals model show
in Phoenix, Arizona. As
in previous years, Czech
model companies were well
represented by Eduard and
Special Hobby and from the
numbers of their shopping
bags I saw around the show
both companies enjoyed the
show, as did the Editor and
myself. It is always good to
meet up with our readers
and to hear your feedback!
If your company or product
is not featured and you would
like it to be, please contact us
at the editorial e-mail address.
By Tim Upson-Smith
Kicking up a Sturm!
duard have three kits
planned for September, plus
with any luck the secret
Eday entry kit. First up in 1/48
scale will be a limited-edition
dual combo ‘Reichsverteidigung’
using their new tooled Fw190A-8/
R2 and their Bf 109G-6/G-14.
The Fw190 will come with six
decal options of the Luftwaffe
Reich Defence Sturmgruppen,
and the Bf109 will have seven.
The lovely 1/48 scale SE.5a
Hispano Suiza will be a September
Weekend Edition release. The
kit will feature two markings
options, one of which will be
the aircraft of Major Dallas
which featured a non-standard
disruptive camouflage scheme.
The final September release
will be a ProfiPack edition of the
1/72 scale MiG-21MF fighter-
bomber. This kit will feature
five markings options, including
Czech, Polish, Soviet, Democratic
Republic of Vietnam and Egypt.
Jumping forward to an October
release, which will be debuted at
Eday, (28th September) Eduard will
release a limited-edition kit of the
Czech produced Messerschmitt
Bf109g the Avia S-99/C-10. This
aircraft is not to be confused with
the Avia S-199 which had the
Jumo 211F engine which replaced
the replaced the DB605 engine.
Hopefully the kit will include
decals for the attractive Czech
Border Police version and this kit is
already on my Eday shopping list.
Finally last month I mentioned
the new Brassin engine for the
Tamiya 1/48 scale Bf109 G-6,
this month Eduard have release
a Big Sin set for this kit which
includes the engine cockpit and
a number of other parts, so if
you want to go to town on your
1/32 Scale Washroom! 109 visit http://www.Eduard.com.
pH have been teasing us
over the last few weeks
with some stunning
images of their two new kits
the 1/48 scale B-52 and the 1/32
scale DC-3/C-47. The interior of
the DC-3 even features a detailed
loo and washroom. Both of
these kits will build into
stunning and big models, which
will give you months if not even
years of modelling pleasure.
Mini Missile
his month we
can look forward
to two new kits
from our friends at
Brengun. In 1/144 scale
Brengun have released
a Fieseler Fi-103/V-1
with an etched-brass
handling trolley. While
in 1/72 scale they have
released an injection
moulded plastic Mustang 1.
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