
(Barré) #1


Prep Time 30 min | Freezer time 1 hour
Serves 10

Stuff you need

For the base

1 cup macadamia nuts

½ cup unsweetened
desiccated coconut

1/3 cup coconut oil

For the filling

2 cups unsweetened
shredded coconut

1 cup coconut milk

1/3 cup coconut oil

rind and juice of 1 lemon

If you need sweetener add
1-3 tbs. 100% maple syrup
or raw honey

Now what

  1. Linea20x20cm(8x8
    paper (or use a silicone

  2. Start with the base.

  3. Inafoodwhizthe
    macadamia nuts and
    coconut oil to form a
    smooth butter.
    4. Add the shredded coconut
    to the butter and whiz
    again until completely
    5. Transfer the smooth
    mixture in to the prepared
    to even out the mixture.
    6. Place in to the freezer.
    Now for the filling.

    1. In a food processor whiz
      the coconut till crumbly.

    2. Add the coconut oil,
      coconut milk, lemon juice
      and ¾ of the rind and whiz
      until smooth.

    3. Pour the filling mixture on
      top of the base, shake the
      slice tin to even out the top.

    4. Garnish the remaining
      lemon rind on top of the

    5. Place the cake back into the
      freezer for at least 1 hour
      before slicing and serving.

Prep Time 30 min | Freezer time 1 hour | Serves 12

Stuff you need
For the base
2 cups walnuts
1/2 cup unsweetened
shredded coconut
1/4 cup raw cacao powder
2 tbs. ghee or coconut oil
pinch of salt

For the filling
1 1/2 cups unsweetened
desiccated coconut
1 1/2 cups coconut milk
2/3 cup ghee or coconut oil
2/3 cup raw cacao powder
pinch of salt

Now what

  1. Linethebaseofa20cm
    (8 inch) spring form cake
    tin with baking paper and
    grease the edges with a
    little coconut oil.
    Start with the base.

  2. Place all of the base
    ingredients in to your
    food processor.
    3. Whiz these ingredients
    until a smooth paste
    4. Press the base in to the
    cake tin, making sure
    you press it out evenly,
    covering the entire base.
    5. Place in to the freezer.
    Now for the filling.

    1. Place all the filling
      ingredients in to the
      food processor and whiz
      until completely smooth,
      this will take around 5

    2. Take the base out of the
      freezer and pour the
      filling on top of the base.

    3. Shake the tin to even out
      the top and place the cake
      in to the fridge for around
      1 hour or until set.

    4. Rub the outside of the
      cake tin with a hot cloth
      and release the spring
      form slowly.

    5. Cut in to slices and store
      any left overs in an
      airtight container in the
      fridge or freezer.

Dress up this super simple cake with
fresh berries! Yum!



Serve this cake at any time of the
day... cake for brekky yes please!


78 | JULY/AUG 2015 | oxygenmag.com.au

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