
(Tuis.) #1
rewarding pictures when you put yourself in the moment. If your
images aren’t working out the way you visualised them, you’re
probably not close enough. Activate the shoe-leather zoom
(get closer) and your images will almost certainly benefit!


Be prepared
Street photography is spontaneous – it waits for no-
one. It’s a discipline you have to force upon yourself. Your camera
is an extension of you; it’s your gateway to sharing your vision
with the world and you don’t want to miss an amazing photo opp
because you don’t have your camera with you.
If you’re serious about street photography you’ll have
your camera within reach whenever a key moment presents
itself. The ‘decisive moment,’ as it was named by legendary
French street photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson, requires
anticipation and split-second timing. You’ll rarely get a second
chance, so you have to be prepared. Having your camera at
hand at all times means you’ll be able to make the most of
those decisive moments.


Be brave!
Some people struggle with the idea of street
photography. It can be like a voice in your head, telling you
that your idea won’t work. A common fear is that subjects will
respond angrily if you take their picture, threaten you with
physical violence, or call the police! It’s possible to overcome
these fears by practicing and getting out more with your camera.
Here are some things I’ve tried in an effort to overcome or at
least push those fears to the back of my mind.
Try different techniques while you’re out and about.
Find an interesting spot to sit with your camera at the ready.
I spend a lot of time at cafes and restaurants when I travel,
and I always have my camera handy. By observing street life
from a comfortable setting you’ll feel at ease and be able to
wait for pictures to come to you. You’re less likely to be noticed
sitting outside a café than standing in the middle of the street.
I also find it useful to listen to music, which can be both a
distraction and an inspiration. Most of all I find that it helps
me relax and feeds my creativity. It might not sound logical,


HOT TIPS Shoot the Street

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