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Phot oVi deo AP Mar 2015. pdf Page 1 24/ 07/ 15, 11: 15: 36 AM AEST

A street vendor
wearing a conical
hat in Hanoi,
Vietnam. I like the
different textures
in this scene.
The shadows and
contrast of colour
add dimension to
the image. Canon
5D Mk II, 70-
200mm @ 200mm,
1/2500 @ f/2.8,
ISO 400, handheld.
Curves, contrast,
saturation, clarity
and sharpening in
Photoshop CS5.

but it works wonders, and if it means you’re comfortable in your
surrounds then it’s worth a shot.
Please note, I don’t suggest you listen to music at night, in
unfamiliar locations, or anywhere you feel unsafe! You should
always be aware of your surroundings.


Shoot from the hip
As a general rule in street photography, if you can get
the shot with the camera to your eye, you’ll get a better image.
However, there are times when it’s not possible to raise the camera
to your eye, so shooting from the hip is a useful method of capturing
a decisive moment.
When I first started shooting on the street I found it difficult
to hold the camera to my eye and point it at strangers, so I started
holding the camera by my hip to capture more candid pictures.
At first I wasn’t successful, but once I started to get a feel for
my camera and the best focal length I was able to capture some
great candid moments. This approach is even easier if you have a
tilting LCD or viewfinder.

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