Men_s Health Australia - April 2016__

(Marcin) #1
In an oiled pan over medium
heat, add one minced garlic
clove and half a white onion,
chopped. Sauté for three
minutes. Add one chopped
tomato, one tablespoon of
ground coriander, one
tablespoon of garam masala
and one tablespoon of turmeric.
Cook until it looks like a sauce.
Season with salt and pepper.


In a bowl, mix some crumbled
feta, halved cherry tomatoes,
sliced Spanish onion, some
fresh or dried oregano and a
few pitted Kalamata olives.
Dump on cooked, sliced
chicken and hit with splashes of
olive oil and balsamic vinegar.


In a bowl, mix two tablespoons
of chilli powder; one tablespoon
each of ground cayenne,
smoked paprika, ground cumin
and oregano; and one teaspoon
e ac h of g ar li c p owd e r, s al t and
pepper. Rub it into the meat
before cooking.


APRIL 2016^87

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