
(nextflipdebug5) #1



world,but often the fine print
reveals gaping deficits. Discover
whichones are worthyour time
withour no-holds-barred

adifferent training protocol
osee the forest for thetrees.
abalancedschedule rather than
se equivalent of fad dieting,
tience), sometimesyoujust
hinginyour power togetthe
measureupupagaginst key fitness benencmarks.


AGooglesearchattests to the strengthofthe
high-intensityintervaltraining(HIIT) versus
low-intensitysteady-state (LISS) cardio debate,
with myriad studies supportingeach. The
formerrelies onshortburstsofintensivework
followedbyshort periodsofrest,for 10 to 30
minutes; while the latter takes the slow and
steadyapproach, usinglow to moderate exercise
that canbe maintainedfor upwardsof 45
minutes, suchasasteady jog.
“The HIIT and LISS debate is a confusing
conceptbecausebothhave theirbenefits,
as wellas their risks,” explains strengthand
conditioningcoach JayKali (kalicoaching.com).
“It’s estimated that 37 to 56per cent of LISS
runners are injured eachyear, while the majority
of fitnessgoverningbodies warn against
usingHIIT ifyouareoverweight or returning
to exercise.”
In the red corner, HIIT enthusiasts boast the
protocol as the most efficient way to achieve

your bodycompositiongoals, with similar fat
loss results inhalfthetimeofLISS. Withthe
heart ratepushed to upwardsof90per cent
ofmaximumduring workintervals, HIIT can
burn some serious caloriesbothduringand
post-workout. Excess oxygen is needed to fuel
muscles and systems workingin overdrive,
resultingin excess post-workout oxygen
consumption (EPOC aka. afterburn) to return
thebodytohomeostasis onceyou’re at rest. This
bio-correction takes calories, many ofwhich
comefrom theburningoffattytissue, andcan
lastfor up to 36hours.
“Toget the best results from HIIT,you
should be trainingatyour absolute maximum
duringyour ‘ON’ or workingphases,” says
trainer andyogainstructor Amanda Fisher
“HIIT can be agreat waytogetbangfor
your buck. Ifyouareabusymum, workinglong
hours orjust don’t have a lot of time to work out,
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