
(nextflipdebug5) #1
untrained individual, its ability to push you
through aerobic and anaerobic thresholds in a
very short period of time make it an efficient
protocol for improving cardio fitness. By
definition, HIIT’s work periods elevate the
heart rate to levels where the body’s aerobic
system – which uses carbs, fats and proteins,
along with oxygen for fuel – gives way to your
anaerobic system, which generates energy
quickly for short periods, bypassing the need
for oxygen and using limited glycogen stores
to operate. With consistent HIIT training,
your body learns to run faster for longer
before tipping into the anaerobic system,
as well as helping to build your tolerance to
waste products, such as lactate.
Despite LISS being sustained by the
aerobic system, its benefits lie in improving
the endurance and strength of the heart
muscle and increasing your ability to diffuse
oxygen across the cells and how much
energy it takes to achieve this – termed
your VO2max. In other words, opting for
only sprint sessions will not see you come
first place in your next marathon – finding
training that imitates your goal is important.
For both fat loss and cardiovascular
training, Kali says incorporating both into a
training plan is ideal.
“The truth is, the majority of HIIT and

LISS injuries come from doing too much too
soon or simply overtraining and pushing
yourself more than needed,” he says.
“The best way to prevent this is by having
a more balanced approach and incorporating
both in your training. You will reap the
benefits of increased VO2, fat oxidation and
reduce your cardiovascular disease risks while
still preventing injuries.”
Fisher agrees.
“The best way to determine which one
is better for you is how you feel physically
during and after your workout, the results you
achieve, what you can follow long term and
most importantly how happy it makes you
feel,” she says.
“Our bodies are smart and adapt quickly

  • it’s what has allowed our continued survival
    as a species. If you have been doing one style
    for a long time and aren’t seeing the results
    you want, or have plateaued, why not give the
    alternative a go?”
    Kali prescribes low-impact versions of
    HIIT following strength sessions, such as
    jumping rope for as many reps as possible
    in 30 seconds, followed by a 20-second rest.
    Repeat for three to five rounds.
    For LISS, he suggests incline walking,
    jogging, cycling or swimming for anywhere
    from 30 to 60 minutes.


There is a big difference between toning up,
powerlifting like a boss and aspiring to be as
strong as your dad. Before you even think
about touching the dumbbells, you need to
be clear on your goal.
“There are so many variables that need
to be taken into account when designing
a weight-based program. Forget the old
saying that light weights will help you tone,
and heavier weights will build big muscles,”
says Fisher.
Kali agrees, saying that no weightlifting
protocol should be overlooked entirely in
the gym. However, certain repetitions, sets
and weight ranges should be prioritised
depending on your goal.
“There are benefits from lifting heavier,
just as there are benefits from lifting lighter
for more reps. People are forever looking for
just one thing to do but we are too advanced

for there to be only one thing,” says Kali.
“Powerlifters work in a repetition
range of one to three reps per set. If you
want to improve strength, your repetitions
will be somewhere between five and
eight repetitions.”
If you are wanting to stimulate muscle
hypertrophy and improve tone (aka. the
image of the muscle beneath the skin),
you should look to endurance rep ranges
of 10 to 15. These rep ranges are based on
the percentage of weight you will be using,
with Kali noting that strength-based weight
training – which is strongly neurologically
focused and requires the body recruiting
strong and effective nerve impulses –
involves far heavier loads when compared to
endurance protocols.
These rep ranges are also focused on the
type of muscle fibres being recruited.

HIIT canbeafantastic wayfor you to segue
a workout intoyourday. Just 10 minutes can
In the blue corner stands LISS. Despite
needing to be performed for 45 minutes or
more to adequately dip into fat stores, an
inclinewalksetstheheartrateatabout 65
per cent of maximum – a rate where the body
opts for fat as its primary source of fuel.
“Your ‘fat burning zone’ varies depending
onyour age, physical fitness and other factors,
but typically anywhere between 110 to 150
beats per minute (BPM) can be used as a
general guide for fat loss,” says Fisher.
“I prescribe LISS-style exercise to those
whoprefer to trainfastedor whoarechoosing
to exist on adiet withalargecaloriedeficit or
that’s low in carbs. HIIT on an emptystomach
canleadtofeelingfaint ordizzy,depending
HIIT’s intensitymeansyour bodyopts for
readily accessiblecarbohydrates overfats to
help you pushthroughandalso stimulates
our stresshormone,cortisol,whichcan
be detrimental to fat loss. Conversely,the
therapeutic nature ofLISS canhelp to manage
If cardiovascular fitness isyour primary
concern, again it’s a tug ofwar. Whilethe
intensityofHIIT may result in injuryfor the

FORFATLOSS:a combination of
HIIT & LISS (walking). For those
short on time, HIIT maybe a good
go-to. Stressedor workingout in the
AM? Stickwithanhour-long stroll
most mornings.
short-distance sprinters benefit from
anaerobic thresholdrunningnative
to HIIT protocols, whilethoselooking
to improve their cardio endurance
shouldstickto primarily LISS
workouts can be useful in improving
muscle endurance and burningfat
to improve the image ofthe muscle
beneaththeskin. Justbesuretofuel
withadequate carbohydrate and
protein todiminish muscle wastage.


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