
(Grace) #1
130 | December 2016

Bryan Mullennix/Getty Images (tree), Vasakna/Getty Images (man), Becky Rockwood/Getty Images (child), Jan Kornstaedt/Gallery St

ock (Vader)

Calling someone a “snow-
flake” because it suggests
that they are from a snowbound
state, not because you value
them as unique.


Asking “Out late last
night?” just because a
guy didn’t shave, has blood-
shot eyes, and decided to wear
sweatpants to work.

Saying “Happy holidays”
instead of a proper,
historically correct Christmas
greeting, like “All hail the mighty
Lord of M isr ule, host of the
Feast of Fools and emperor of
all revelers.”

Pronouncing someone’s
name without acknowledg-
ing the umlaut.


Vehemently denying
the fact that such things
as micro-aggressions exist.


Knowing the difference
between “your” and
“you’re” but still mixing them up
because you’re in a hurry and
i t ’s just social media.


Doing an impression
of Chevy Chase from any
of his movies without adding,
“But of course, addiction is no
laughing matter.”


Posting a Facebook
tribute to a recently
deceased rock star even though
you haven’t actually listened to
him since high school.


Whispering into a
small child’s ear,
“O ur gover nment is r un
by lizard people wear ing
human skin disguises
who want to hur t your
mommy and daddy”
while dressed up
as Santa Claus.

The List

21 New Micro-

Aggressions to

Avoid in 2017


When introducing your-
self to a woman you find
attractive, forgetting to imme-
diately apologize for your sub-
conscious role in reinforcing
the patriarchal conspiracy, and
then apologizing for man-
splaining the patriarchy
to her, and then running
back to your apartment
to sit alone in the dark
because a monster like
you shouldn’t be allowed
to roam freely among
the innocent.


Peeing behind a bush
or tree that isn’ t ex plici tl y
gender neutral.


Texting “LOL” when you
barely cracked a smile.


Using the word “moist” in
any context.


Calling your cellmate
“Tiny” even though
he weighs 350 pounds and
bends iron bars for fun.


Going to a Star Wars pre-
miere dressed as Han
Solo or Dar th Vader, forcing
other audience members to be
reminded of their complicated
relationships with their fathers.

Telling someone they have
the star quality of Corey
Feldman on the Today show.

Singing out loud that annoy-
ingly catchy pop song that
you haven’t been able to get out
of your head all day.

Threatening to move to
Canada after the election
but then totally not moving. You
owe Ottawa an apology.

Referring to large earthen-
ware containers as “jugs.”

Using hurtful words and
phrases like “lazy,” “unmo-
tivated,” or “maybe it’s time you
moved out of my basement.”

Interacting with your dog
without acknowledging your
opposable thumbs privilege.
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