Australian Homespun — May 2017

(Jeff_L) #1
14 (15-15)cm (5^11 ⁄ 2 [6-6]in)
from crotch, ending with
a purl row.
Shape back –
Note:Whenthe pattern
specifies turn, proceed as
folls to avoid holes in your
work. Take the yarn under
the needle and onto the
other side of the work, slip

next st onto the right-hand
needle, take the yarn back
to the original position, slip
back st onto the left-hand
needle, then turn and proceed
as instructed in the pattern.
Next row – K36 (41-44) turn.
Next row – P13 (15-17) turn.
Next row – K16 (18-20) turn.
Next row – P19 (21-23) turn.
Next row – K22 (24-26) turn.
Next row – P25 (27-29) turn.
Next row – Knit to end.
Next row – Purl across all sts.
Work 10 rows stocking st.
Next row (foldline, right
side) – Purl.
Work 9 rows stocking st,

beg with a purl row.
Cast off loosely.

Work as for back to *****.
Measuring along the side
edge, cont until front
measures same as the back
to the foldline, ending with
a purl row.
Next row (foldline, right
side) – Purl. Work 9 rows
stocking st, beg with a purl
row. Cast off loosely.

Do not press. We
recommend using mattress

stitch to sew up your
pants.Join the front and
back together along the
inside legs and side seams.
Turn the waistband to the
wrong side at the foldline
and slip-stitch it loosely
in position, leaving a small
opening for inserting the
elastic. Thread the elastic
through waistband with
a bodkin or safety pin,
draw up to the desired
measurement, join the
ends securely and close
the rest of the opening.
Fold back the cuffs as

Q Panda Magnum 8 ply
100g balls: one ball
each of Fawn (334),
White (301) and Brick
(1048) plus small
amount of Peat (312)
for embroidery
Q One pair of 4.00mm (UK
8/US 6) knitting needles

Q Fibre fi ll
Q Wool needle

Stitches used:
Knitting/duplicate stitch
(Swiss darning), stem
stitch, straight stitch
Finished size:
40cm (16in) long approx.
(excluding tail)

Note: Refer to note on page 72.
Correct tension is not essential
for this toy.

beg = begin/ning; dec
= decrease by knitting
two sts together; foll/s =
following/follows; garter
st = every row knit; inc =
increase by knitting into
the front and back of the
stitch; K = knit; K2tog =
knit two stitches together;
patt = pattern; rep =
repeat; st/s = stitch/es;
stocking st = 1 row knit,
1 row purl.

Using 4.00mm needles and
Fawn, cast on 72 sts.
Work in stocking st until
body measures about 22cm
(83/4in) from beg, working
last row on wrong side.
Cast off.

Using 4.00mm needles
and White, cast on 33 sts.
Work 4 rows stocking st.
Beg decreasing –
Dec one st at each end of
next row, then in every foll
10th row until 25 sts rem.
Work 7 rows without
further shaping.
Beg increasing –
Inc one st at each end
of next row, then in every
foll 10th row until there
are 33 sts.
Work 5 rows without
further shaping.
Cast off.

Ears (make two)
Using 4.00mm needles
and Brick, cast on 16 sts.
Working in garter st, knit
42 rows.
Next row – (K2tog) 8 times
... 8 sts.
Next row – (K2tog) 4 times.
Cast off rem 4 sts.

Using 4.00mm needles
and Brick, cast on 9 sts.
Beg stripe patt –
Using Brick, work 4 rows
stocking st.
Using White, work 4 rows
stocking st.
Last 8 rows form stripe patt. Conception: Charlotte Rion, Anne Venura; photographer: Pierre Nicou; Groupe

Marie Claire

/Picture Media

Puppy face for softie

White (301)

White (301) knitting

Brick (1048)

Peat (312)

Peat (312) stem stitch



74 Homespun

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