GQ South Africa — May 2017

(Ron) #1

  1. When possible,
    get there by walking,
    cycling or taking
    public transport.

disappointment or more
work than you can handle.
Living the life you want
means you will still be
regularly visited by all
always be worth it.

  1. Pay your way. Buy
    your round. Avoid
    those who go to the loo
    when the bill arrives.
    No matter how much
    money they have, these
    are cheap people.

  2. Unless you run a global
    bankruptcy if you don’t reply to
    email immediately, put away
    your phone in a social gathering.
    Stop texting. You are not telling
    people how wanted you are; just
    how rude.

  3. Don’t worr y  – you will
    get a second chance to
    get everything right.
    Even if it all goes wrong

  • the marriage, the
    career, the life – you get
    a chance to try again. But
    you don’t get a third
    chance. A lifetime is just
    not long enough for
    a third chance.

  1. Learn which bridges
    to cross and which
    bridges to burn.

  2. Your body will tell
    you when it is time to
    see a doctor. Only
    a fool doesn’t listen
    to his body.

  3. Never marry
    anyone you do
    not intend to
    spend your life
    with. The average
    marriage lasts 10
    years, so the odds
    are that you will
    not spend your
    life with them.
    But that should be
    your intention.

  4. h ere are lots of
    fabulous women and
    men in the world, but
    you can only truly love
    four or i ve of them in
    a lifetime.

  5. Public speaking and practising safe sex are two
    skills you need to master. You will be expected to
    do both, sometimes at the same event. When
    speaking to an audience, you should never reply
    too heavily on written notes, but nor should
    you try to simply wing it. Both will end in
    disaster. Public speaking is
    one of those things where you
    just have to get through the
    pain barrier. When practising
    safe sex, make sure you do
    not get the thing inside out.
    h is is surprisingly easy to do,
    and will make breakage,
    leakage and asso
    disaster highly li

  6. Friendship – true
    friendship with that
    special handful of people

  • takes ef ort. Left to itself,
    it will wither on the vine.
    So think about your
    friends. Love them and
    cherish them. Cut them
    some slack when they
    make mistakes. Friendship
    is important. But
    remember that we are
    all alone in the universe.
    Never be afraid to l y solo.
    You were born alone. And
    you will die alone.

  1. ‘Fashion is for
    people who want
    to be something,
    or someone. Style
    is being somebody
    that everyone else
    wants to become.’

  • Jason Alexander Basson,
    GQ Executive Fashion Editor

78 GQ.CO.ZA MAY 2017

Only you will know if you need
a tattoo. Remember every tattoo is
a statement (even a drunken one).
It’ll help if you know what these
symbols mean before inking yourself.

  1. Numbers
    You may be
    a gang member.
    Gangs often
    used numbers
    to signify

  2. Bar codes
    When scanned
    GR and bar
    codes can reveal
    messages of
    health details
    about the wearer.
    3. Jesus
    ‘Sailors would
    get Jesus on
    their back,
    hoping that
    seeing his face
    would mean their
    offi cers would
    go easy on
    whipping,’ says
    author of Tat too
    Master Trent
    4. Semicolon
    ‘The semicolon
    started as a
    mental health
    support group.
    It was adopted
    by campaigners
    in 2013, and
    membership to
    the US non-profi t
    5. Swallow
    In sailors’ terms,
    it meant that
    you’d sailed more
    than 5 000
    nautical miles

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