Virtuoso Life Magazine — Australia Special 2017

(Ben Green) #1



Snap a Postcard at
Remarkable Rocks
This group of granite boulders perched
precariously atop a southern cliff has
been artistically eroded by wind, sea, and
sand over millions of years. After pictures,
explore the walking trails of the rest of
Flinders Chase National Park, 38 miles
southwest of the island’s largest town (and
South Australia’s oldest European settle-
ment), Kingscote.

Swim with Leafy Seadragons
Below the turquoise surface of Kingscote’s
beaches, one of the world’s largest
colonies of these incredibly beautiful,
delicate creatures awaits. Similar to sea
horses, the seadragons are found only in
Australia’s southern waters. There are also
sea lions, multicolored coral, and more
than 200 species of fish. Guides will bag
crayfish or abalone for a seafood feast
when in season.

Sip and Snack with Wallabies
Soak up the history of early island settlers
at Grassdale, a historic island property
just a short drive from the Southern Ocean
Lodge. At sunset, you can savor local
wines and canapés while watching kan-
garoos, wallabies, and other local wildlife
that congregate here.

Hop on Over

A quick flight from Adelaide,
Kangaroo Island – aka
Australia’s Galápagos –
serves up an idyllic mix
of hospitality and natural
wonder for the whole family.

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