Cosmopolitan UK — June 2017

(Amelia) #1


Milestone eight: control
your Sharpie collection
with your mind

1 Fuck up hugely^
“I once pressed ‘stop’ instead
of ‘record’ when I was filming
a pivotal scene for a prison
documentary I was working on.
I tried to style it out, but I was
a wreck for the rest of the shoot,
because I was worrying so much.
Now I respect people who can
say, ‘I made this mistake, and
here is how I am going to fix it.’”
Vari Innes, producer/director
of Channel 4’s First Dates


ave all night in Ibiza. Learn
a language (you will never
use). Date someone with no
job/no hope/no soul. We’re all
aware of the rites of passage
that we’re supposed to pass through
on our way to becoming a more
‘rounded’ person, but what about
in our career? What moments do we
need on our road to being successful?
Seven businesswomen explain the
milestones that they had to go through
in order to boss it.

What does it really take
to get to the top of your
game? We asked seven
key power players... and
this was their advice
Free download pdf