Business Franchise Australia & New Zealand — July-August 2017

(lily) #1
40 Business Franchise Australia and New Zealand

“A S A moBile FrANchiSe operAtor, you Are

mASter oF your owN dAily Schedule. Need

to drop the Kid S At School? No worrieS!

SurF’S up? grAB the BoArd ANd hit the

wAve S!”

occasion does arise, it’s great to be able to
have some flexibility in your day.
As with any business, you are only going to
get out of it as much as the hard work you
put into it. With a mobile franchise you can
choose to work as little or as much as you

cuStomer S ervice
Good customer service can set you apart
from your competitors, and is what will keep
your clients coming back. When operating
a mobile franchise, this is truer than ever
before. Be on time, be well presented, and
ensure that you have everything you need to
perform the job, or have the stock your client
wants, every time.
The presentation of your vehicle is also
imperative. It is representative of your

business – keep it clean and well maintained
and it will show your clients and members of
the community that you take pride in your

In most cases a mobile franchise will
be cheaper to purchase than a franchise
operating from a retail outlet, the obvious
difference being that fixed premises are not
required therefore eliminating the need for
a lease and rent payments and the cost of a
shop fit out.
Mobile businesses often operate from a
home office, also keeping overhead costs at a
minimum. To get started all you may need is
a phone and computer.
In addition, mobile franchises often
eliminate the need to employ additional staff

members into the business, so the costs of
doing so, and the associated paperwork, also
However, just because your investment into
the business may not be as high as that of
a retail outlet, this does not mean your due
diligence should be cut short.

home Sweet home
Working from home is on the rise in
Australia. The rapid development in
technology over the last 20 years has
changed the face of business, with
technology available that allows us to
communicate instantaneously, even face
to face via video conferencing if we desire,
with people anywhere in the world. For
those working from home, we are no longer
isolated; we are connected, both faster and
clearer, than ever before.
A home based franchise could be the right
way for you to skip the daily commute,
leave the office grind behind, and establish
a business from home using the tried and
tested formula of a successful franchise
Whilst many of us envision working from
home slouching around in PJs and slippers,
watching the odd midday movie, the
reality is that working from home should
be treated as a normal job. Setting a daily
schedule, showering and dressing as if for the
office and closing your office door behind
you, is likely to be a more productive and
motivating way to go about your day.
Some home-based franchise systems will
require you to visit your clients in person,
others will allow you to conduct your work
via phone calls and emails, and there are
even franchise systems available that could
provide passive income - meaning you can
earn money by doing very little at all!

One of the greatest advantages of operating
a home business is that of flexibility. These
kinds of businesses are perfect for a stay
at home parent; work can be completed
in between school hours, late at night or
early in the morning whilst the house is
still sleeping, even whilst baking a cake.
The little ones may be happily settled in
for a nap while you catch up emails and
correspondence. It’s this flexibility that
appeals to those operating a business at
Or you may be an entrepreneur wishing to
set up business but without all the associated
overheads involved with employees and
setting up a shop front.


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