Business Franchise Australia & New Zealand — July-August 2017

(lily) #1
Business Franchise Australia and New Zealand 39


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that they do not operate from fixed premises.


Territory, as with most franchise business,
is particularly important when operating a
mobile business.

With a mobile franchise, your income will be
received from the clients that you establish
within your specified territory, so of course
it is imperative that you know the exact
parameters of your allocated territory.

It is also important that when doing your

research into a mobile franchise that you
investigate whether it is actually possible to
generate the income you require – or desire!
The ways in which franchise systems divide
their territories may differ – whether it is by
postcode or physical boundaries – you will
need to investigate the area thoroughly.
Some franchise systems offer exclusive
territories, in which you will be the only
operator of that franchise in that area, while
others offer non-exclusive territories. In non-
excusive territories you will face competition
from not only other similar businesses but

also from other franchisees in your network.
Always check with the franchisor as to
the specifics of territory allocation for the
franchise system you are investigating.

As a mobile franchise operator, you are
master of your own daily schedule. Need to
drop the kids at school? No worries! Surf ’s
up? Grab the board and hit the waves!
Obviously you’re not going to make much
money if you spend all your time running
errands and hanging ten, but when the

“the vAriety oF

moBile FrANchiSe

opportuNitieS i S

vASt ANd ever-

expANdiNg. you

NAme it, ANd there

will proBABly Be A

moBile FrANchiSe

AvAil ABle For you.”

Business Franchise Australia and New Zealand 39
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