VegPlanet — October 2017

(avery) #1


Back in the day, if your flight connection was over 8
hours, often the airline would put you up in a nearby
hotel overnight. These days unfortunately have, in most
cases, gone the direction of free baggage and meals
on low cost carriers. So if you are stuck for sometime
in transit, but not enough time (or at the wrong time –
i.e. at midnight) to head out into the city to take a look
around, you may well like to Pre-book an airport lounge
online to help pass the time, take a refreshing show-
er, and just chill in. There are several companies that
do this. If you’re flying long-haul it is really worth the
US$ 20/- or so to book yourself into an airport lounge.
There’s an up-front fee – payable online - but it pro-
vides a quiet environment with complimentary drinks,
food, magazines, newspapers, WiFi, showers, etc. If
you don’t fly often, but still have some mileage on your
frequent flyer program (or credit card), you can also
use some mileage (anywhere from 8,000 -12,000) that
may be expiring to have access to an airline’s business
class lounges (with similar facilities) as well.

Be sure your sunscreen is water proof and has a high
SPF – the higher the better as the sun is intense when
at sea. The sun in Asia can be intense so when ven-
turing outside in the day follow the three S’s: Slip on a
shirt, Slop on some sunscreen, Slap on a cap or hat.

You’ll want to do everything you can to avoid too much
exposure to the sun and risk sunstroke.

Be sure to drink lots of water, even if you are not
thirsty, to avoid dehydration. Other isotonic drinks
such as Gatorade and 100 Plus are good too. Try to
keep your alcohol consumption down (especially when
at sea), it can cause accidents to happen that can ruin
your whole trip and it promotes dehydration. Avoid if

If you are flying long haul it is

well worth booking into

an airport lounge

By.Sofna Yusi


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