Australian How To Paint — Issue 23 2017

(Ron) #1

Leanne Moss

Perseverance. Perseverance.


This artist has found what she was meant to do, and it makes her soul smile.

She encourages others to do whatever they have to do

to make their dream a reality.


erseverance. My key word. If I
can instil one word in anyone
wanting to pursue art, it is to
persevere. It doesn’t always work, it
doesn’t always go your way, but keep
at it, as good things can happen if you
want them badly enough to work hard,
and if one person can take that away
from my story then I feel I have passed
on some important knowledge gained
through being knocked down, getting
up again, brushing myself off and
persevering. It is the key you are never
taught or told about, talent is only part
of being an artist. Perseverance and
practice combined with talent make an
As far back as I can remember, I
have loved drawing, colour pencils and
crayons. All the colours of the rainbow
in my hands were heaven to a little girl.
My mother says that I would sit and
draw for hours, and I can honestly say
not much has changed. I love nothing
more than picking up my pencils and
immersing myself into a world of
shape, colour and texture. I vividly
remember being given a beautiful
set of Crayola crayons as a kid, and
marvelling at the array of colours
available. I just adored them. I still
love the feeling of feasting my eyes on
a new set of pencils and running my
fingers over them - it’s a little slice of
The Kelpie heaven.
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