Muscle & Fitness Australia — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1





of every bodybuilding/fitness
publication there are dozens of
articles dedicated to discussing
sets, techniques, tempos,
exercises, reps and routines.
Additionally, there are a plethora
of exciting ads about the latest
in protein powders, pre-
workouts, test boosters, fat
burners, amino acids and carb
concoctions. And rightfully so,
as every aspiring bodybuilding/
fitness/physique athlete
must learn the most effective
methods of training and the
ins and outs of nutrition, as well
as which supplements to take
and how to properly stack them
for optimal results. All these
things are certainly at the core
of any successful physical
transformation program.
However, no dialogue
on building muscle, melting
fat or enhancing strength
and performance would be
complete without discussing
the mind’s role in the equation.
In fact, I feel it is my duty as a
global prep coach and trainer
to share with you guys what
may very well be the most
important element in your
pursuit of reaching the outer
limits of your genetic potential.
Let’s stop and think about
it for a moment. What exactly
is it that most often separates
the good from the great? The
average athlete from the All-Star?
The common competitor from the
champion? The big from the best?
Is it luck? Is it genetics? Is it a
secret exercise, food or pill? Or
is it something that each and
every one of us is capable of
tapping into if we are willing to
reach far enough? Something that
we could learn to harness, not
only to significantly hasten our
results in the gym but also to
positively affect the very direction
of our lives. The truth is, most
tend to mistakenly look for

external solutions to their “body-
building problems.” What I’d like to
emphasise, however, is that the
true key to significant progress
lies somewhere within.
Yes, my fellow gym rats,
I am talking about your brain...
Or more specifically, your mind.
The extraordinary power of
one’s thoughts cannot be denied.
“Mind over matter” is real. Turning
the impossible into the possible
begins in your head, bleeds into
your heart and then, finally,
engulfs your entire spirit. Allow

your mind to lead the way, and
your body will surely follow. This
is something I can promise you.
Now that I have your
cerebrum firing on all cylinders,
please read the remainder of
this article very carefully and
with unwavering focus. If you
can take these ideas and ingrain
them so deep within your
mind that they burrow to the
subconscious, not only will
bodybuilding be on a whole new
level for you but also perhaps
your entire existence as well. OPENING SPREAD: PER BERNAL. THIS PAGE: CHRIS LUND

Dorian Yates
used his mind
to power the
that built this
Mr Olympia
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