Muscle & Fitness Australia — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1


Learn to approach each and every workout with an
enthusiastic and positive attitude. Believe that you will
have a more productive workout today than you did
yesterday. Know that the weights are going to feel lighter
and each repetition easier. Invite the pain and embrace
the pump. Understand that this workout will bring you one
giant step closer to your goals, and that every rep of every
set will demand of your muscles that they grow bigger,
harder and stronger. Leave all doubt at the door. You will
have the most intense and productive workout of your life
today — and nothing on this earth can stand in your way.





Every night before you go to sleep, think intensely about exactly what you one day
desire to look like. Form a clear visual in your mind’s eye of every muscle, vein, split and
striation that you wish to see on your body. Imagine your perfect form. Then visualise
the next day’s workout from the first to last rep. See the gym, the people and the
equipment. Hear the music relentlessly pounding from the speakers, the weights
clanging together and the dumbbells smashing onto the floor. Feel the atmosphere.
Imagine the sweat as it drips from your forehead onto your soaked T-shirt as you
masterfully perform every rep, inducing the most intense pump you have ever
experienced. Imbed into your subconscious exactly what you want to accomplish
during the workout, and your body will already be preprogrammed to deliver.

If the first few
sets of your
workout don’t
go as well as
planned, do not
let that hinder
you or let that set
the tone for the
remainder of your
workout. If you
attempt to set a
personal lifting
record (like 140kg
for eight good
reps on the
bench press)
and fail, don’t
get depressed
— simply shrug it
off and regroup.
Always leave
negativity behind
and look ahead.
Know in your
gut that your
next set will
be better
and that each
successive set
will build upon
the last. The
gym is no place
to hang your
head low, show
weakness or be a
crybaby. The gym
is your sanctuary,
your domain, your
temple. It is where
you go to leave
life’s problems
behind and
perform your own
therapy. While you
are training you
are the boss and
you sit alone at
the controls. You
make the rules,
set the pace
and make the
decisions. Yes,
setbacks are
bound to occur,
but this is when
you must dig
deep, pick your
head up and
overcome. What
does not kill
you makes
you stronger
— this is truth.



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