Cake Decoration & Sugarcraft — December 2017

(Amelia) #1
30 | December 2017


26 Cut small squares from thinly
rolled white modelling paste and
attach as windows. Cut out a few
larger windows and attach, using
the finished cake as a reference.

28 To create the arched windows,
use the smallest pointed oval cutter
and thinly rolled navy paste.
Cut the resulting ovals in half as
shown and attach to the cake
as desired.

29 Thinly roll out the remaining
white modelling paste and using
the smallest cutters from the stylish
stars set cut out a selection of
stars. Attach the paste stars to the
night sky using sugar glue, creating
constellations of your choice.
Add a larger star of Bethlehem
directly over the town.

25 Attach in place on the cake
using sugar glue then cut to size
with a craft knife, as shown. Repeat
for all remaining roofs.

24 To add the flat roofs, roll out
marbled paste of a similar or
contrasting colour and cut into strips
using a craft knife and set square.

27 To create the entrance to the
town cut out navy blue and white
ovals and stack. Cut away the lower
edge, as shown and position on the
cake. To make the arched doorways,
use the handle cutter from the tote
bag cutter and trim the sides.
Attach in place, trimming to fit
around the castellations.

30 Make and roll out four different
marbled pastes, one predominately
red, one pink, one orange and one
yellow. Using the second largest
triangle cutter cut out triangles
from each of the four colours.

31 Attach rows of triangles to the
base cake as shown, starting with
the red and pink triangles.
Top these with a row of orange and
yellow marbled triangles. Then cut
a strip of marbled cream paste to
fit above this row.

32 Using a sugar shaper, softened
cream paste and the medium
round disc add a length of
extruded paste to the top edge of
the base cake to neaten.

33 Fill a fluid writer with navy blue
liquid colour/airbrush colour using a
paintbrush. Encourage the ink to flow
using kitchen paper and perhaps a
gentle shake. Once the ink is flowing
draw patterned details on the tops
of the buildings and the along the
edges of the staircases.

34 Add dots by simply quickly
touching the surface of the sugar
with the fluid writer. Change the
colour by rinsing out the ink under
a running tap and then fill with red
liquid food colour. Add red patterns
to the building, as shown.

35 Finally paint sugar glue over
the top surface of the base cake
and sprinkle over some soft light
brown sugar. Spread evenly using a
paintbrush. Add a red ribbon to the
edge of the cake board using
non-toxic glue.

p27-31_Lindy Smith.indd 30 06/10/2017 10:51

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