Cake Decoration & Sugarcraft — December 2017

(Amelia) #1
38 | December 2017


49 Press a small drop of white
modelling paste in a micro ribbon
mould. Cut excess, smooth and keep
in a freezer for some minutes. Let it
dry. Colour with gold spray and with
a very thin paintbrush. Attach to the
child's collar.
50 Assemble all the parts of the
child's body and fix them on the
right of the ring and to the 15cm
dummy as for the girl in step 44.
Enhance his trousers with two very
small ribbons.
51 Mould sixteen small balls of white
modelling paste and pinch them with
tweezers. Make a hook on the 26
gauge wires, dip in edible glue and
insert them in the balls. Let them dry.
52 Make a sausage shape with
flower paste. Roll over paste with a
small rolling pin and cut out the bract
using the first size of the poinsettia
veiners. Insert a 28 gauge wire.
Put the bract on a CelPad and roll
edges with a ball tool. Put the bract

in the veiner and press. Prepare
three bracts. Proceed the same way
with three more second size bracts.
53 Dust bracts mixing foliage
green and yellow autumn. Dust the
poinsettia's closed flowers mixing
foliage green and yellow autumn and
the top with a bit of ruby. Insert in
some of them, very small stamens
dusted ruby. Mix some semolina with
yellow autumn dust. Dip stamens in
glue and then in semolina. In other
ones you can stick a micro drop of
modelling paste coloured yellow
autumn and dusted with a bit of ruby.
54 Proceed as in step 52. This time
preparing five third size bracts.
55 Then five bracts with the fourth
size veiner. Mix pink and white and
dust the centre of the white bracts.
Dust their edges mixing foliage
green and yellow autumn.
Prepare four leaves of the same size
and dust them foliage green and
yellow autumn. Dust a bit of gold on

all the parts of the poinsettia.
Steps 52-55 should be repeated to
get four poinsettia flowers.
56 Roll out white sugarpaste and
cover the 10cm dummy. Stick two
pieces of wafer paper around it with
The Twelve Days of Christmas song.
57 Cover the join in the wafer paper
using part of the lace prepared in
step 31.
58 Assemble poinsettia: fix central
flowers with three green bracts using
pale green tape then three white first
size bracts. Finally the second, third
and fourth size bracts. Add the green
leaves. Insert in flower pics and place
on top of the 10cm dummy.
59 On the right of the 10cm dummy,
stick two small pieces of printed
wafer paper. Colour edges gold with
a very thin paintbrush. Stick four
gold micro pearls and a ribbon of red
modelling paste.
60 Spread some desiccated coconut
on all the cake to give a snowy effect.

49 50 51

52 53 54

55 56 57

58 59 60

p33-38_Veronica Seta.indd 38 06/10/2017 10:53

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