Cake Decoration & Sugarcraft — December 2017

(Amelia) #1

TRADITIONAL December 2017 | 37

40 Roll out some white modelling
paste very thin. Cut seven strips.
Thin their bottom edge with a ball
tool on a CelPad.
41 Roll out a small amount of red
modelling paste very thin and with
a round pastry cutter, cut a circle.
Cut in half and thin edges with
a toothpick on a CelPad. Cut a
semicircle on the top using a royal
icing tip.
42 Mould two small balls of white
modelling paste. Insert a small
amount of white modelling paste in
a sugar gun. Make a small rope.
Stick the rope on the small balls.
Make two hooks and twist them at
their bottom.
43 Insert a small amount of
modelling paste in a mould and make
a decorative element. If you meet
any difficulty in taking the paste out
of the mould, just leave it in a freezer
for some minutes.
44 Insert a small piece of a 20 gauge

wire over the lace of the 15cm
dummy. Fix the girl's body on the
floral wire with edible glue. Glue
legs, feet, hands and arms to the
body. Fold the strips, prepared in
step 40, to get the skirt ruches.
Cover with semicircle prepared in
step 41 and add decorative element
of step 43. Define neckline with a
very thin strip of white modelling
paste and stick three gold micro
pearls. Insert another piece of 20
gauge wire over the girl's head.
Fix the small ball on it with the
edible glue and the hook. Colour
rope on the ball and hook with gold
spray and a very thin paintbrush.
Glue ribbon and the tails prepared
in steps 3-4 on top of the hook.
45 Roll out a small amount of red
modelling paste very thin.
Cut a square and ‘V’ shape on the
top. Cut a very small strip of red
modelling paste and stick it at the
centre of the square. Stick the gold

micro pearls on the strip. Roll out
another very small strip of white
modelling paste. Cut the sides
diagonally. Stick the square on the
child's trunk and the collar around
his neck.
46 Mould two small cylinders
of red modelling paste and two
cylinders of white modelling paste.
Bend the bottom of the white
cylinders to get the feet and define
shoes with a silicone brush.
47 Roll a small amount of red
modelling paste very thin and cut
two small squares. Wrap around
legs and fix with edible glue to
make trousers. Colour shoes with a
very thin paintbrush and with black
airbrush colour.
48 Mould a drop of red modelling
paste. Roll out a small amount of
red modelling paste and cut a heart
shape with a cutter. Place the drop
on the heart and fix it with edible
glue to make the child's hat. ➜

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40 41 42

43 44 45

46 47 48

p33-38_Veronica Seta.indd 37 06/10/2017 10:53

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