Cake Decoration & Sugarcraft — December 2017

(Amelia) #1
68 | December 2017


3 Fill the parchment bag with a little
icing – pipe a three trees design
free hand onto the front sugar
surface. Place the three trunks first
then build the branches and then
the leaves, snowflakes and dots.

4 Roll out the grey paste and
create a cone shape (with no tip) to
wrap around as his coat.

5 Attach with glue and then trim
away any excess down the sides.
Texture the paste with a mat to
give a luxury look to his coat.

6 Apply a border to the front under
the trees, I rolled two thin sausages
and used a snowflake mould.

7 Mix white with a touch of grey and
roll two long sausages, flatten slightly
and snip into them at a low angle
with a pair of small scissors. Start at
the top and randomly snip all the way
down for a fur effect. Glue in place
and trim at the base.

8 Using the grey paste roll two
balls into fat carrots for the arms,
indent at the elbow and bend. Add
in folds with a Dresden tool and
allow them to firm up before gluing
in place. You may need to support
them until fully dry.

9 To create the cuffs use the same
paste as the front fur trim. Roll two
fat balls, and flatten with a finger in
the middle. Snip to create the fur
effect and glue them in place.

10 Add a fat ball of paste at the
neck and insert one of the thin
skewers down to the board to
support the head.

11 Make two mitten hands in
the white flower modelling paste
remembering to make a left and
a right.

1 Shape and compact the RKT down
to create a firm cone shape – you
can buy them ready made or create
your own, I used a mix of Coco Pops
and Rice Krispies.

2 Roll out a thin layer of white
sugarpaste to coat the whole
shape, then roll a thicker layer just
to recoat the front. Roll the cone
on the work surface to give it a
smooth tapered finish.

12 Press the fronts and backs of
the hands into the knit mould to
create mittens. Shape and put
aside to firm up.

p67-70_Jacqui Kelly_NEW.indd 68 06/10/2017 11:03

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