AIPP Journal – April 2019

(coco) #1

confidence and the valuing of themselves.”
I asked Glynn how women and men differ in
a photographic sense?
“Generally speaking, I find women
photographers far more creative, have a greater
feel for emotive imagery and often produce
work that really speaks. The underlying male-
dominated industry can make it tough for some
to speak out, take charge and champion the
work of themselves and their peers.
Women-only retreats can cut through a
lot of this and allow photographers to get
to the heart of what is important; crafting
quality images without the tensions that can
sometimes be in the way during traditional

Julie Kimpton from Nikon had some insights
into the benefits of the women’s retreat too.
“Many women speak differently when in
an entirely female group. The Refocus Retreat
encourages women to get together, to be
creative, discuss their challenges, whether per-
sonal or business, and overcome them in a
safe, inspiring and supportive environment. It
is welcoming and inclusive, and we see a lot
of women attending for the first time on their
own, which I think is really brave.”
We have come a long way from the days
when some men would simply tolerate women
in the industry. However there are still a few

hurdles to overcome. Carla Gottgens nailed it
when she talked about her struggles as a female
in this industry

“When tendering or putting quotes forward for
work, especially in the photojournalist, news
and media/event categories, I have found as a
woman that I am expected to work longer and
harder than a male might do in order to prove
"I also find as I’m approaching my late 40’s
that people ask if I’m still taking photos! And
yet many guys I see in my industry are well and
truly older than myself. I find this so offensive
and have to be very careful when asked this of a
past client who contacts me after a long period
of silence to see if I’m available to shoot a gig.
"As a freelancer without a studio or studio
name, this can very much appear to work
against you.”
There have always been men-only clubs in
our society and when women were finally al-
lowed in, they were given a hard time. While
there are few clubs left for men-only, women
still need a safe space because the balance of
power hasn’t been addressed across all parts of
"In the same way some gyms have women
only classes – simply so women will turn up
and feel comfortable participating – there are
enclaves like the Refocus Retreat that gives this
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