+iPad iPhone Life - USA (2019-Winter)

(Antfer) #1

Around the Office

Tamlin Day,
Web Writer
Eight Cup Classic
Chemex ($45.50)
I wouldn’t be able
to live without my
Chemex 8-cup cof-
fee pot. I refer to it
as my science coffee pot, because it makes
the perfect cup reliably every morning.

Cullen Thomas, Writer &
Forbidden Journey by Ella
Maillart ($22.95)
I’ve been voraciously consuming
travel books written about places
and cultures now faded. For exam-
ple, authors Peter Flemming and
Ella Maillart rode from Peking to Kashmir in 1935, then he
wrote News from Tartary, and she wrote Forbidden Journey.
Their perspectives on their journey make a brilliant, real-life
counterpoint to my Game of Thrones binge.

Jaime Thatcher,
Art Director
My Garden
This is the second
year that my girlfriend
and I have planted a
vegetable garden, and
I love it. We’re grow-
ing several kinds of
greens, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, and basil,
among other things. Last year we made and
froze tomato sauce and pesto, and this year we
are going to try making sauerkraut.



Leanne Hays,
Associate Editor
Sole Mates Socks ($20)
I’ve admired Sole Mates socks for years but never bought
them because of the price. Last Christmas, I treated myself
to a pair and have worn them at least twice a week all year.
They’ve held up fantastically, and the bright colors and mis-
matched pattern make me smile.
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