Artists Back to Basics - Issue 6 Volume 3 2016

(Kiana) #1
with Audrey Cullen

A Bit of Herself

It is this artist’s belief that she always leaves a bit of
herself in a painting ... something about the way she sees
the world, and its colours, shapes and objects.


ingapore is the country where
I was born. I now live in
Mount Isa (in Queensland)
where I work as a Veterinarian.
And having decided that my job
is not challenging (or stressful)
enough, I am also venturing
into full-time motherhood.
I have not received any formal art
training. I started Chinese Painting
classes as a child (from about
10 years of age) for a couple of
years – mainly, I suspect, because
I had to keep up with my cousin in
a bit of friendly family rivalry! She
learnt piano, so I learnt piano; she
did ballet, so I had to do ballet.
She did Chinese Painting ...
I started attending some art
classes here in Mount Isa. The
classes were run by local artists Rick
and Patricia D’Arcy in September

  1. I learnt basic concepts like
    the colour wheel, how to use focal
    points, how the eye actually does
    a lot of the work in colour mixing
    for the artist (in Pointillism, for
    example), and how to use a mirror


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