Creative Artist - Issue 10_

(ff) #1
of Thursday Plantation. I showed there every year and
cut my teeth as a sculptor, I was awarded quite a few
times and once won the major acquisitive prize. More
recently, as an of shoot of that, the Byron Bay Writers
Festival has included a sculpture exhibition integrated
in the festival site, a wonderful melaleuca setting close
the sea. I have taken on the coordinating role there
at present and I am very proud to be assembling a
collection of work of my local peers as a cohesive
expression of the “Language of Sculpture”. It is a
week-long show and is for the exclusive viewing of
Writers Fest attendees.
The creative process is a mysterious one; I often
wonder where ideas come from. My i rst line of
inspiration has been some of my teachers as they
have been potent creators themselves, and also a
wonderful motivation. I should also pay homage to
my artistic maturation during post graduate study
with Tony Nankervis at Southern Cross University
in Lismore. There are so many great sculptors who
have inspired me along the way such as Goldsworthy,
Serra, Kapoor; they are people whose work excites
and inspires me to work on my own ideas.
I look too, at material itself as an inspiring force.
I am a lover of the grappling dialogue that happens
when I take materials towards the desired outcome
or resolution. There is a manner of engagement,


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