Creative Artist - Issue 10_

(ff) #1
the grandkids take over the studio”, says
Beni. Her backyard studio i lls me with
anticipation and curiosity, and I’m certainly
not disappointed in the neat, bright,
purpose-built studio, which shelters you
from the world and, from a creative point
of view, it has everything a personal studio
should have and should be.
Beni’s CV lists more than 150 awards
from 1987 through to the present day,
with many awards presented as First Prize,
so let’s have a look at a little of her work.
By the way, you can catch more of Beni’s
work in the next issue of Artist’s Back to
Basic magazine, where I use more of her
work to expand on my article.
Beni has travelled extensively throughout
out the world, including U.K, Greece,
Turkey, France, Italy, Spain, Croatia
and Portugal, but also likes to get of
the beaten track in Australia, with the
Kimberley’s and Pilbara in Western
Australia and the Olgas and Kakadu areas
in the Northern Territory being some of
her favourite spots to visit.
A recent painting trek in to the Rudall
River region extended her love for the
Australian outback - the ambience and
mystery of the Australian bush are the
drawcards that keep this award-winning
artist producing her beautiful paintings.
Beni mainly paints in watercolour these
days, but has worked with many mediums.

Boabab Family Pilbara Western Australia

Beni in her studio


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