Yachts & Yachting — February 2018

(Tina Sui) #1


ltimately, Ben Ainslie’s
ambitions boil down to one
thing: to win the America’s
Cup for Great Britain.
His drive has only been
strengthened since Land Rover BAR
was knocked out of the 35th America’s
Cup in Bermuda. e determination
to improve on that result and step up is
without doubt – but there will be many
more goals to achieve along the way if
Ainslie is to bring the Cup home in 2021.
is time round, with Emirates Team
New Zealand as Defender holding all the
cards, there is plenty that’s dierent; the
boat and format, for starters – and also
the ethos. Change was expected, this is
the America’s Cup aer all. e intention
was always for a multi-Cup campaign,
but speaking to Ainslie you get the
impression that in some ways this is less
an evolution and more a clean sheet.
With the 75 foiling monohull
concept that the Kiwis have introduced,
the sport will move once again into
entirely new territory. “It’s an exciting
challenge,” says Ainslie. “As a team
principal it’s daunting – the logistics
and practicalities are daunting,
particularly as a European-based team.
As always, we are going to have to be
smart with the resources we have.”
In the six months since returning
from Bermuda, the team has undertaken
a full review process relating to their
structure and performance, on and
o the water. Ainslie explains: “We’ve



GEORGIE CORLETT-PITT talks to Land Rover BAR’s skipper and

principal Ben Ainslie on team shake-ups, moving goal posts and

crash capsizes as the next America’s Cup gathers momentum

been looking thoroughly at what
worked well and what wasn’t so good,
and ultimately at why we weren’t able
to do a better job on the water. at’s
been a painful process at times, but I
have been impressed by how open and
honest the team has been. ere’s also
a lot of positivity. What’s clear is that
we made a lot of mistakes early on and
it was hard to pull back from that.”
While he declines to divulge specics,
Ainslie points to the design and tech
teams as areas of focus, adding: “As a
new team we had the added complexity

of setting up the team and everything
that comes with that to contend with.”

Ainslie is determined to start this
campaign on the right track, and having
the ability to react quickly is central to
that. He says: “Early decisions are key;
equally having the exibility to adapt
is also important. ere is inevitably
exibility in the America’s Cup itself
and as a team you have to be able to
respond to that, whether that’s to your
opposition changing their approaches,


Grant Simmer
will oversee
performance as
the new CEO

February 2018 Yachts & Yachting 29

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