Yachts & Yachting — February 2018

(Tina Sui) #1

developments in technology or rule
changes. We saw the class rules change
in the last Cup (when the boats changed
from 65 to 50 footers) and that’s
something we’ve got to be prepared for.
In this Protocol the Defender can change
just about anything so long as it’s in
mutual agreement with the Challenger
of Record. As a ‘standard’ competitor
outside of that we are quite vulnerable,
so we need to be able to adapt.”
e degree to which Challengers

will be consulted in this Cup as yet
remains unclear, so while awaiting
the publication of the ocial Class
Rule, expected on or before 31 March,
Ainslie’s priority has been to consolidate
his core team. “For now, personnel
are givens that we can work on until
they set the nal class rules. We can’t
dene a strategy yet beyond that as
the goal posts continue to move.”

In November, Grant Simmer was
appointed CEO, with Martin Whitmarsh
moving on from that position to take
on an advisory role but to also head
up BAR Technologies, the commercial
arm of the team’s technical programme.
Simmer has 10 America’s Cup campaigns
(including four wins) under his belt
in sailor, designer and managerial
capacities. It’s a unique skill set, and
Ainslie is condent in the move, saying:
“Grant brings a wealth of experience

to the team; he brings a great mentality
and mindset towards the Cup.” e new
recruit’s remit includes responsibility for
the sporting and performance aspects of
the campaign, working alongside Ainslie.


Moving goal posts aside, Ainslie sees
an early start as imperative for success
this time around. While 2021 may seem

a long way o, he’s acutely aware of the
phenomenal amount of R&D, testing
and training that the new 75 foiling
monohulls will demand. at makes
the timescales involved suddenly very
tight indeed, particularly as the rst
of the two boats permitted per team
will be able to launch in a little over a
year’s time. Along the way, he’s aiming
to make Land Rover BAR the most
sustainable sports team in the world.
Entries ocially opened on 1 January,
but the British Challenger will rst be
seeking to agree ner details regarding
the class of boat and conditions of entry
with ETNZ before ocially entering.
Commitment to back the campaign for
a second cycle has already been secured
from title sponsor, Land Rover, including
additional engineering resource; backing
from private sponsors ensured the team
was able to operate in the interim period
until the Protocol was announced. Other
backers have pledged continued support
(including 11th Hour Racing and Coutts)
and negotiations are ongoing with a
number of potential new sponsors.

Ainslie teaming
up with Tony
Langley (right)

We can’t define a strategy yet beyond

that as the goal posts continue to move

30 Yachts & Yachting February 2018

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