Yachts & Yachting — February 2018

(Tina Sui) #1

“We reached an aggressive
commercial target last time round
and we are condent of doing
so again,” promises Ainslie.
It’s something that will put them
ahead of the other teams coming into the
mix, rumoured to include Australian,
French, and Swedish teams, as well
as a strong possibility of a second
Italian team emerging as we went to
print. Meanwhile, the New York Yacht
Club backed Bella Mente Quantum
Racing campaign, headed by Hap
Fauth and Doug DeVos with Terry
Hutchinson as skipper, announced in
October, is also banking on an early
start to get ahead, signing an exclusive
design agreement with Botin.


ere’s no doubt that this ra of
America’s Cup teams will need to have
signicant budgets, with many predicting
costs above and beyond those of AC35.
One area all teams will be focusing more
resource and time on than ever will
be the use of computational tools and
programmes to develop and test designs.
It’s something that Land Rover BAR

height control adjusters used to enable
a foiling tack, for example). With huge
processing power, the computer is
then able to run millions of dierent
calculations to accurately model how
the boat will handle. Condence in
using this tool throughout development
will help put Land Rover BAR ahead.

At this stage, it is hard to imagine the
new AC75s in the esh, let alone envisage
how one would actually master sailing
them in close quarters manoeuvres
at speeds of 40 or even 50 knots. It’s a
big leap – even for Ainslie. “e boat
is going to be the most full-on we’ve
ever seen,” he says. “e performance
predictions show that it’s going to be
phenomenally quick, and that’s exciting.”
A return to upwind starts and longer
courses with racing over a duration
of 40 minutes will make it all the
more interesting. e foiling 75ers
will, Ainslie predicts, “be more high
performance with less interaction and
fewer close quarters manoeuvres”.

used for testing in the late stages of the
last Cup – and that Emirates Team New
Zealand has been widely acknowledged
as having had in place from the early
stages. It’s certainly an area that Ainslie
sees as critical to success, with the
ambition being to develop an even
more accurate and ecient system
that can be used from the outset.
In addition to Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD) – used to predict
how ow works around an object

  • Velocity Prediction Programmes
    (VPP) allow designers to model foils at
    various speeds to see how much force
    is on each surface, above and below
    the water. is enables designers to
    predict how easy it will be to foil and
    to control the boat at any given point.
    e more accurate the programming,
    the more accurate the predictions.
    Designers can then feed this
    information into a simulator. Working
    much along the lines of a highly
    sophisticated computer game, using
    virtual reality visors and a motion
    platform, sailors are able to input their
    actions and weight against parts of the
    boat to test dierent scenarios (ride

Ainslie has made his enthusiasm
for the move to monohulls
clear – but rewind to AC35 and
his support for continuing with
multihulls was unshakeable; Land
Rover BAR was a firm proponent
of the Framework Agreement,
something Martin Whitmarsh was
instrumental in driving forwards. So
why the apparent change of heart?
“For me it’s not about monohull
or multihull,” says Ainslie. “Frankly,
I am not that concerned with
the type of boat, so long as it is
fast and exciting. What is most
important is continuity, which is
something the America’s Cup has
been lacking. That is a fundamental
issue that needs to be addressed,
hopefully in the near future.
“Continuity in the sport and
with that, cost cutting measures,
are important for commercial
sponsors and TV to be able to
consolidate and gave continuity.”
How this will manifest itself as
the next Cup cycle unfolds will
be interesting to see – they are
all areas that Grant Dalton, chief
executive o”cer of Emirates
Team New Zealand, has said
it is committed towards.

TP52 Gladiator:
Land Rover BAR
crew will be on
board this summer


February 2018 Yachts & Yachting 31

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