Yachts & Yachting — February 2018

(Tina Sui) #1

Ben Saxton is a four
times Endeavour
Trophy winning
helmsman, 2017
Nacra 17 world and
European champion, Team GB
Nacra representative at Rio 2016, and
multiple dinghy class champion.
Commenting on what he believes it
takes to win this event – where he has
represented both the Merlin and RS200
classes – 27-year old Ben says: “It is all
about consistent, good tactical decision
making, boat speed, and aggressive starts.
Having a great crew who is also a good
friend helps. For me personally, I focus
on being the best I can be, and I make
an eort to ensure my boat won’t break.
“To win a championship, and therefore
a place at the prestigious Endeavour
Trophy, I race hard and honestly. I
keep things as simple as I can. Enjoy
it, and never give up. Toby [Lewis]
and I never let our competitors relax,
and as soon as they slip up we are
there to pounce, and they know it.”
His advice for other sailors aiming
for a championship win? “Hike hard
and have fun. Make sure you are
aware of the tide and you must try to
avoid risks with tactics to build a good
regatta, but understand which risks
are ok so that you win races too.”
It’s clearly advice the Graam Water
SC sailor has learned from rst hand
experience. “e rst time I ever sailed
at Burnham-on-Crouch was a complete
disaster because it was the rst time I’d


experienced river sailing,” he recalls.
“I was in the RYA Zone Squad in my
Optimist. I ended up capsized, and tied
to the transom of the committee boat
crying my eyes out!” In true champion
spirit he hasn’t let that deter him
from realising his ambitions since.

Toby Lewis has won
the Endeavour Trophy
seven times with four
dierent helmsmen
and now, at the age
of 36, holds the event winning record.
is multi-talented crew has won
numerous championships including
the RS400 Nationals twice, RS200
Nationals, B14 Nationals three times,
B14 Europeans, Enterprise Worlds, and
the team racing nationals three times.
“To obtain an invite to the Endeavour
Trophy is an honour and also a good
focus when racing a championship,”
he says, when asked about his
impressive list of achievements.
“I think that sailing with the same
person for a long time helps a lot as
you are able to second guess each other
in terms of boat handling and tuning,
which in turn helps you to constantly
sail fast and focus on getting your head
out the boat to look for other important
factors, such as pressure, shis, bends,
tide, eet position, competition position,
etc. Boat speed can help get you out of
trouble or extend your leads. Having
a exible plan can help, and a good
front-line start at the correct end of the

A fast, front-row
start is essential

Ben and Toby
awarded the
Endeavour Trophy

Bottom right
Top teamwork:
2017 winners Ben
and Toby in action




42 Yachts & Yachting February 2018

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