Yachts & Yachting — February 2018

(Tina Sui) #1
Bettine Harris
earned her place
with a win at the
Cadet Nationals

Seven wins Toby Lewis
Six wins Nick Craig
Five wins Geo
Carveth, Mike Holmes
Four wins Ben Saxton, Ian Southworth

line is important, so boat handling and
wind awareness helps on the start.
“From a crewing point of view I
have had the chance to jump into
lots of dierent classes of boats with
dierent people with dierent styles
of racing. Feeling comfortable being
at the front of the eet and being able
to recognise situations as they develop
is all learnt through experience.

“e more quality sailing you can do
the better; it’s good to get out of your
comfort zone, push yourself, learn to
sail well as a team and try new things.
I’ve never found another sport that’s so
engaging, challenging and rewarding.”
Toby’s talent for racing began
as a youngster sailing Optimists at
Spinnaker SC, before teaming up with
his sister to win their rst club trophy.
His association with the Endeavour

Trophy is equally deep-rooted. “My
dad (Martin Lewis) won the Osprey
nationals when I was younger and it
wasn’t until I won the Endeavour at
my rst attempt (with Steve Tylecote
in 2007) that I found out that my dad
missed a chance to go to the Endeavour.
I feel like every chance and win has been
a tribute to my dad, for getting me into
sailing and teaching me how to race.”

As a family man with a young
son, Lewis says he hopes the racing
gene continues down the line and is
looking forward to teaching his son.
And his for his tips for aspiring future
Endeavour competitors? “Sailing at
Burnham-on-Crouch can be dicult,
lots of gear changing with wind
strength, shiy, tidal and very tactical.
ere are lots of gains to be made
downwind so looking for pressure is

important. Consider the tide and have
a big picture game plan before the race,
good boat handling due to the fact
you’ll be tacking and gybing lots with
close action packed racing. Never give
up because things can change quickly,
which makes the event so much fun.”

Bettine Harris (14)
sailing with her
brother Jamie was
representing the Cadet
class. e duo had the
unique opportunity
to race the Endeavour together for
the third year as independent Cadet
champions – Jamie won the Cadet
national championship twice before and
Bettine then won the nationals in 2017.
At the Endeavour they improved
their results in each race, and their
impressive display in the penultimate
race when they led to the windward
mark was a good indication of their
future intentions. “To cross ahead of

It is good to get out of your comfort zone,

push yourself and learn to sail well as a team

February 2018 Yachts & Yachting 43

DINGHY ENDEAVOUR AC_GC_hjg_TH.indd 43 14/12/2017 17:00

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