Yachts & Yachting — February 2018

(Tina Sui) #1


Dalgety Bay celebrates the year
Dalgety Bay SC members enjoyed a review of the year at its
annual celebration with a look back at all the club’s activities

  • from top class dinghy racing and oshore keelboat
    cruising, to fun regattas for children and fundraisers.
    It included a presentation by the charity Chernobyl
    Kids Lifeline, which sees children hosted by local families
    and included this year the club taking them out sailing.
    Youth member Alistair Higgins was recognised
    by Fife Sailability for helping out regularly. Special
    awards included: the Seal Pup Trophy for Best Junior,
    presented to Matilda Franklin; the Burnside Memorial
    Trophy for outstanding contribution went to Peter
    Taylor; and an award to Gina Angus for setting up
    and continuing to support the club’s Youth Week.

Sail Aid UK dinner
raises £46,000 for
hurricane-hit Caribbean
A Sail Aid UK
black tie/loud
shirt dinner at the
Land Rover Ben
Ainslie Racing
headquarters in
Old Portsmouth
raised £46,000 to
support the relief
e orts for victims
of the Caribbean
Islands a ected
by the September
Among the 185
guests present
were Sir Ben and
Lady Georgie
Ainslie, Giles
Scott, David
‘Freddie’ Carr,
Andy McLean,
Hannah White,
Mark Covell,
Mike Golding,
Brian Thompson,
Helena Lucas,

and Olympian
Hannah Stodel

  • a veritable
    who’s who of the
    sailing world.
    In a recorded
    singing star Asher
    Otto thanked
    everyone before
    singing her single
    Home, which
    has now been
    o–cially adopted
    as the Sail Aid
    UK anthem.
    A live auction,
    hosted by Nick
    Bonham, included
    from Sunsail, The
    and Will King,
    whose auction
    items provided
    over 50 per
    cent of the total
    auction revenue.

Torpoint Mosquito prize-giving
Torpoint Mosquito dinghy sailors and supporters celebrated another year of great
sailing – albeit in some challenging conditions at times – at its annual prize-giving.
Master of ceremonies was sailing secretary (dinghies) Steve Roberts, and the
awards were presented by outgoing commodore Steve Creek.
Among the prizewinners was Girl Cadet of the Year, Grace Cowd and special
mention went to Jenny Roberts and Olga Shimell for their help onshore in
running the racing and to all the safety boat volunteers who turn out every week
whatever the weather.

WASZPs gather at home and Down Under
More than 100 Waszps are expected to
gather at Royal Freshwater Bay YC in Perth,
Australia, for the 2019 Waszp Games. With
dates of 22-28 January, classic ‘Fremantle
Doctor’ breezes of 18-22 knots are also
expected along with competitors from the UK,
Europe, USA and New Zealand, for a
spectacle of speed and colour.
Closer to home, the Waszp fleet has been
out practising at Rutland Water, where a

winter gathering saw an age range of 16 to
40 plus years and a spread of ability braving
the blustery conditions. Stuart Appleby
and Max Todd battled at the front; Graham
Priestly cracked a rib; and Harry Pulford, Dan
Welbourn, Sam Sparks and Steve Tylecote
took on some challenging moves in the gusts.
A well-earned trip to the pub to defrost
provided a chance to swap foiling strategies
and plan for the nationals at Rutland in May.



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