land, ripe for composting and cultiva-
tion, pepper the cityscape.
Although you can’t do much about
a climatological desert, you can turn
around a food desert. Recycled City’s
goal has always been to provide access
to quality, organic, local food. And,
while it’s difficult to find locally grown
produce in downtown Phoenix, plenty
of businesses generate food waste that
can be turned into compost, which in
turn builds healthy soil for growing
local produce. A recent study by the
city revealed that food and yard refuse
make up 45 percent of Phoenix’s waste.
The city has instituted an initiative to
dramatically reduce its food waste by
2020, and it chose Recycled City for
its pilot program. A three-year contract
pays Recycled City cash in exchange
Compost Leaders
Composting businesses are rescuing urban food waste around the country. Here are two
that have inspired the folks behind Recycled City (
- Compost Cab:; Washington, D.C.
- Compost Pedallers:; Austin, Texas (all food waste is
picked up by bicycle).
Circle #29; see card pg 97
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